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City Council Minutes <br />June 3, 2019 <br />Page 6 <br />Bob Dilley,12943 Orono Rd NW, was concerned about the cost. Taxes on lake <br />properties seem to continue to go up. He felt the city should provide more money. <br />Chris Rock, 18665 Lander St NW, felt the treatment of lake has already created <br />better navigational areas. <br />Nancy Duggan, 13862189`h Ave NW, stated because her property was on the river, <br />she would like to be removed from the OLID. If her property was included, why <br />aren't all properties along the river or even up to St. Cloud included. The amount of <br />money would be a hardship. She felt the entire city uses the lake so they should all be <br />asked to pay for it. <br />Ed Bury, 1958 Main St NW, felt asking for a yearly fee instead of a large amount <br />was similar to the franchise fee included on utility bills for shared street <br />improvement. <br />Mayor Dietz closed the public hearing. <br />Attorney Beck asked for direction from council on whether to prepare a resolution <br />of approval or denial for the June 17, 2019, meeting. Decisions could be held off <br />until the July 1, 2019, meeting if needed and still fall within the time period. <br />Council recommended preparing both an approval and denial resolution. <br />Councilmember Christianson commented there are some questions the DNR may <br />have to answer. <br />Attorney Beck said the DNR was already reviewing questions about river property. <br />Ms. Bednar said if the OLID was established parcels could be removed later if the <br />DNR had not resolved questions prior to the June 17, 2019, meeting. <br />Mayor Dietz confirmed the only way to change boundaries is if the DNR decides. <br />Mayor Dietz asked about the process if the OLID is established but the DNR <br />changes the boundaries. <br />Attorney Beck recommends council pass a resolution confirming the changed <br />boundaries if the DNR changes them. <br />Councilmember Christianson asked about the map shown and if it was the official <br />one provided by the DNR. <br />Mr. Plant confirmed the DNR approved the map. They were aware of the boundary <br />concerns and already looking into it. <br />P 0 1 E N E I I Y <br />Nl` TUP <br />