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City Council Minutes <br />June 3, 2019 <br />Page 4 <br />based on lot size and not charged per unit. She was concerned about having to <br />disclose this annual fee to someone who might want to buy her property in the <br />future. She questioned why the OLID should be responsible for curly leaf invasive <br />species if it was caused by a public dock. <br />Mr. Plant clarified one of the sources of the curly leaf weed came from the public <br />landing and the majority comes from up stream. He explained the assessment <br />amount was per unit based on what was done in 1998. <br />Councilmember Wagner clarified the formation of the OLID was not a city -driven <br />initiative. <br />Ms. Person expressed concern about the amount charged. <br />Mr. Plant stated every property owner would be able to vote on the budget at the <br />annual meeting but since the OLID, had not yet been formed exact dollar amounts <br />were not finalized. The majority of property owners present at the meeting would <br />determine the vote. <br />Kathleen Boekley,13776189`' Ave NW, stated she lives on the river and doesn't <br />feel she should contribute to lake improvements. She expressed concerns with the <br />use of chemicals in the water and explaining the annual assessment to potential <br />buyers of her properties. <br />Mark Person, 13726189`'' Ave NW, was concerned about the collection of <br />signatures and whether the names may have been manipulated. He felt the river <br />should be exempt and Mr. Plant should pay for the DNR to redraw the boundaries. <br />Attorney Beck explained the signatures were gathered and verified using past <br />practices. <br />Christy Cox, 1836 Main St, stated she is the President of the Lake Orono <br />Improvement Association. She stated she collected the signatures and many lake <br />owners commented that the ongoing annual cost would was a good value. <br />Dave Halgren,13492 Island View Dr., was in favor of the OLID and asked what <br />would happen to the cost of sedimentation removal if the OLID was not formed. <br />Mayor Dietz reviewed available funding opportunities. <br />Attorney Beck reiterated the sedimentation removal as part of the Lake Orono <br />Restoration and Enhancement (LORE) and OLID are separate. <br />Scott Cundiff, 13742 189& Ave NW, felt the OLID was an unfair burden on people <br />on the river and they would not receive any benefits. <br />p01EIEI 11 <br />NATUR <br />