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City Council Minutes <br />May 6, 2019 <br />Page 8 <br />Councilmember Westgaard asked if it could be put in the public record that the <br />council would be okay with granting four lots minimum. In the long term it is good <br />to look at having aright -of -way. <br />Mr. Carlton stated language could be added to a resolution. <br />10.3 Outdoor Ice Rink at Spectrum High School <br />Mr. Hecker presented the staff report. <br />Rick Peterson, Athletic Director/Facilities and Dan DeBruyn, Executive Director of <br />Spectrum High School were present. <br />The proposal would eliminate the ice rink at Kliever Lake Fields Park and add an ice <br />rink to the Spectrum High School property. One of the price considerations is <br />locating dasher boards for constructing the rink. <br />Mayor Dietz asked what would happen to the dasher boards at the Barn ice rink <br />once it was demolished. <br />Councilmember Westgaard stated often contractors get whatever they can salvage <br />for resale in trade for their demolition bid. <br />Mr. Czech agreed whoever was awarded the bid to demolish the building would take <br />the existing boards and they could not be repurposed for this proposed rink. <br />Councilmember Westgaard asked if Kliever Lake Fields Park or Lion John Weicht <br />Park rinks have dasher boards. <br />Mr. Hecker responded that Lion John Weicht Park has end boards and lights. <br />Mayor Dietz clarified the proposal was that the city would provide the money for the <br />boards. Spectrum High School would provide the lights and access to their warming <br />house. With an approximate 60-70 days of the year the rink may be used, the city <br />would not get a lot of benefit out of spending $50-60,000. <br />Mayor Dietz was in favor of sending the proposal back to the Parks and Recreation <br />Commission. Since there are limited Park Dedication funds, the commission could <br />decide if this is where they would like to spend their funding. <br />Councilmember Wagner asked how many people per week use the Kliever Lake <br />Fields Park. <br />Mr. Hecker stated it was difficult to know resident usage but staff hours were about <br />180 hours for the season. <br />p 0 w E R E 1 I Y <br />NATUREI <br />