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A <br />City Council Minutes <br />May 6, 2019 <br />Page 13 <br />amount toward projects instead of paying for large projects that only affect their <br />property. <br />The plan is for the LID to go to a public hearing on June 3, 2019. <br />Mayor Dietz asked if everyone on the lake would get a formal notice. <br />Ms. Bednar confirmed they would receive a letter in the mail. <br />Councilmember Wagner asked if the lake owners may be upset that things are <br />moving so quickly. <br />Councilmember Westgaard stated this project was something that had been <br />discussed for a long time. <br />Mr. Plant stated their group had held four open public hearings as learning sessions <br />and paid for direct mailings to all affected. The neighbors have been invited to <br />participate in the discussion and should be aware of the process. <br />The council directed staff to move ahead with the application process. <br />10.7 2020 Budget Discussion <br />Ms. Ziemer presented the staff report. She outlined possible dates for budget work <br />sessions including July 22 and July 29 with a possible date of August 12, 2019. These <br />meetings would start at 5:00 p.m. <br />The Council should approve the maximum levy at the September 3, 2019, meeting. <br />The Council expressed a desire to maintain the same level of services despite <br />proposed expenditure increases. <br />Ms. Ziemer asked for recommendations on essential services that could not be cut <br />out of the budget. <br />Councilmember Christianson asked Mr. Femrite if they could have a discussion in <br />early July about sidewalk plowing. <br />Ms. Ziemer asked if the council would like to start looking at how to fund capital <br />improvements. <br />Mayor Dietz asked about the vehicle replacement fund. <br />Ms. Ziemer stated the fund took a hit when they purchased a fire truck and another <br />fire truck purchase was scheduled in the next few years. <br />p 0 V F A I I Ir <br />NATURE <br />