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City Council Minutes <br />April 15, 2019 <br />Page 5 <br />concerns but also understands the applicant's wish to develop a larger parcel of land <br />she owns. He added as long as the proposed use is consistent with the area there <br />isn't much the Council can use to deny. <br />Mr. Laforce indicated he would be interested in purchasing the strip of land from the <br />city to stop this from developing. <br />Mr. Carlton explained the applicant approached the city with an interest to purchase <br />the strip of property. He added the applicant cannot pull a building permit until the <br />oudot has been platted. He indicated the city acquired this property to prevent it <br />from becoming a "spite strip" preventing people from being able to develop. <br />Mayor Dietz questioned if the city has a legal right to put the strip up for sale <br />publically. Attorney Beck stated the city is under no legal obligation to offer the <br />parcel for sale publicly. <br />Councilmember Christianson questioned if the applicant would have access if the <br />city does not sell the strip of land to the applicant. He added he has a difficult time <br />denying a property owner a right to develop property. Mr. Carlton indicated the <br />applicant would have access off of Twin Lakes Road, which is not ideal. He stated <br />the review would go before the county and they may have concerns. <br />Councilmember Wagner stated again she understands the neighbor's concerns but <br />having traffic diverted to Twin Lakes Road is not a better solution. <br />Councilmember Westgaard explained he is in support of the applicant's request. He <br />explained the value of the city -owned strip of land is nothing but it means everything <br />to this development. He believes selling the land to someone to block the <br />development would be inconsistent with our Comprehensive Plan. He added the <br />request before the Council tonight is not to approve how the lots are developed as <br />that will come back at a later date. <br />Councilmember Ovall questioned if the Council can reduce the density of the <br />project. Mr. Carlton indicated the Council can consider density of the project when <br />the zone change request comes before them. <br />Moved by Councilmember Westgaard and seconded by Councilmember Ovall <br />to adopt resolution 19-11 approving the final plat for Ondracek Addition with <br />the following conditions: <br />1. Prior to recording the final plat, the existing detached structures on <br />Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Illustrup Addition must be removed. <br />2. Prior to recording the final plat, the applicant must purchase the <br />portion of Outlot D, Twin Lakes Estates Second Addition, within the <br />proposed Oudot A from the city for a cost of $1,000. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />N <br />PO/ERF1 0Y <br />NATURE <br />