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City Council Minutes Page 9 <br />February, 19, 2019 <br />Mayor Dietz asked Council if they want to consider raising the utility fee and <br />eliminating the impact fee. <br />It was noted the utility fee would have to be raised by 10% to offset the impact fee. <br />Council consensus was to eliminate the impact fee and raise the utility fee starting <br />January 1, 2020. <br />Mr. Beck noted Council could phase in the impact fee. <br />9.4 Institutional Uses in Downtown District <br />Mr. Leeseberg presented the staff report on Planning Manager Zack Carlton's behalf. <br />Mr. Beck stated if Council defines Residential Facility then they could exclude them <br />from institutional uses versus including residential facilities under the definition of <br />Institutional Uses. <br />Councilmembet Westgaard stated the current ordinance definitions need to be <br />expanded into more detail specific types of uses in order to guide them better. <br />Councilmember Ovall stated this is turning into a larger issue and should be sent <br />back to Planning Commission for more detailed review. <br />Mr. Beck stated this is a consistently evolving use type and he explained how, <br />historically, churches and schools were located in neighborhoods at one time because <br />people used to walk to them. He further commented some cities have an institutional <br />zoning district. <br />Mr. Leeseberg asked Council their intentions for the downtown district. He <br />questioned if they want to see churches/schools in downtown, separation of <br />definitions for the different types of facilities (schools versus churches, or medical), <br />and get rid of institutional uses. <br />Council concurred they would like to break the definitions down versus lumping <br />them into one. <br />Councihnember Wagner expressed concerns with segmenting and focusing on the <br />institutional use without considering the larger vision referencing the Council - <br />adopted Mississippi Connections Plan and its focus on redevelopment. She would <br />like a plan of what a project would actually look like. She questioned the goal for the <br />downtown as a whole, noting the current plan calls for a sustainable downtown <br />district with restaurants and varying draws for people to spend money. <br />Councilmember Westgaard agreed but noted the Council needs to redefine <br />institutional uses and then review how the new definitions apply to each zoning <br />district within our city. <br />PB11aFI BI <br />MATURE <br />