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09-26-2000 PC MIN
City Government
Boards and Commissions
Planning Commission
Planning Minutes
2000 - 2009
09-26-2000 PC MIN
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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Planning Commission Minutes <br />September 26, 2000 <br /> <br />Page 13 <br /> <br />adjacent to a gun range, the responsibility for safety of the children would <br />ultimately be left to the parents. <br /> <br />Commissioner Pederson stated that he felt the developers have done a good job <br />with the plat regarding landscaping and architectural style. He stated he had <br />concerns with allowing a five percent density bonus for preserving trees along a <br />county road. <br /> <br />Commissioner Schuster stated that he felt this cluster represented what the <br />Commission was looking for when they approved the cluster ordinance. He <br />stated that the County needs to address the traffic issue on County Road 1. He <br />felt the gun club adjacent to this development is a major issue and he is not sure <br />how the Planning Commission can deal with it. He felt that the gun club needs to <br />look at ways to address the issue, as well. <br /> <br />Commissioner Pederson agreed that the traffic is a County issue and that the City <br />Council would need to address the gun club issue and the impact on the schools. <br /> <br />Ms. Meyers asked for clarification on the septic system and whether or not her <br />property would be affected by it. Terry Maurer stated that the specific design of <br />the system will be reviewed before it is approved. He explained that when <br />discharge from a septic system moves through only 36 inches of sand it becomes <br />clean. Therefore, he did not see how this system could possibly have any affect <br />on their property on the other side of County Road 1. Mr. Maurer noted that <br />these types of systems have many years of history to prove that they work. He felt <br />that there are better controls with a community system which is under the <br />authority of a homeowner's association. Mr. Johnston added that monitoring <br />and testing of the system will be required and space has been left for a <br />secondary system, in the event the original system should fail for any reason. <br /> <br />Ms. Meyers requested that the Commissioners take her concerns into <br />consideration. <br /> <br />Commissioner Baker stated that he still has concerns regarding the gun club and <br />who is responsible for ensuring the residents' safety. He also stated that he does <br />not feel this plat meets the criteria for the additional lot which is being requested <br />by the developer. <br /> <br />Ms. McPherson stated that if the developer is required to provide full discloser of <br />the gun club, and the club is posted and fenced the property, it becomes the <br />homeowner's responsibility to protect their children. Commissioner Kuester felt <br />that information is the key to protecting the children. She suggested that the <br />young people moving into the development be provided an opportunity to see <br />the club and perhaps take the gun safety training which is offered, so that their <br />curiosity about the club will be satisfied. <br /> <br />COMMISSIONER PEDERSON MOVED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST <br />BY LYMAN COMPANY FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL OF MEADOWWOODS <br />VILLAGE, CASE NO. P 00-13, WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: <br />
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