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<br />Planning Commission Minutes <br />September 26. 2000 <br /> <br />Page 11 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />private area. She further explained that the trail easement to the south was <br />requested for possible use in the future. Since the City does not know the future <br />of the gun club property, no trail would be built at this time. <br /> <br />Commissioner Baker asked if a density bonus has been granted in the past for <br />preserving a structure or architectural theme. Ms. McPherson stated that a <br />density bonus was allowed in Rolling Hills for preserving a barn. <br /> <br />Mr. Johnston stated that the development will have a defined architectural <br />theme which will include front porches and stoops, side-load garages and <br />garages set back into the back of the lot, wherever it is possible. He displayed <br />photographs of homes in other developments they have done which reflected <br />this type of style. Mr. Johnston described details of the proposed gazebo which <br />ties into the architectural theme. He noted that restrictive covenants will ensure <br />that quality exterior materials will be used including wood siding, brick, stucco <br />and a high grade vinyl siding. <br /> <br />Chair Chambers opened the public hearing. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Deb Meyers, 20927 Elk lake Road, a resident living across from the proposed <br />development, expressed her concern regarding safety issues associated with the <br />gun club, impact on the schools, traffic, the bike path and the community septic <br />system. Ms. Meyers stated that with 40 homes, there is a potential for 80 children <br />in the development. She explained her concern for safety since the fence <br />around the gun club is only about 4 feet high and can easily be climbed by a <br />child. Also, the number of children which will be added to the schools by this <br />development will require four additional classrooms. Ms. Meyers was concerned <br />that the bike path would interfere with their horseback riding. Possible odor and <br />leaching from the community septic system was also a concern, as well as the <br />additional traffic which would be generated on County Road 1. <br /> <br />George Zabee, representing the Elk River Gun Club, explained that the gun club <br />has been in existence since 1964 and is a community-minded organization. He <br />stated that the club provides safety training for young people including scouting <br />and 4-H groups. Mr. Zabee explained that the club has 300 acres of property and <br />fencing of the entire perimeter of the property was recently completed. He <br />stated that the club is not opposed to the cluster development but that they <br />have several concerns. He stated that one concern has been addressed which <br />was the need for a buffer. He felt that by leaving the trees on the knoll referred to <br />by the developer, a natural buffer would be created which would help with <br />noise, also. Mr. Zabee's second concern was that prospective buyers be made <br />aware that there is a gun range adjacent to the development. He asked that <br />the Planning Commission require the developer to print this information in their <br />literature which is distributed to buyers. Mr. Zabee also requested that the <br />developer be required to install a chain link fence around the northeastern <br />corner of the gun club. He concluded by stating it is true that the DNR was <br />interested in the gun club property, but that the gun club is not interested in the <br />DNR. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Katie T. of 13269 211th Avenue NW, asked why there will be an access onto 21lfh <br />and if it would be paved. Mr. Harlicker stated that a second access is required to <br />emergency purposes and there are no plans to pave it at this time. <br />