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<br />Planning Commission Minutes <br />October 27, 1998 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />holder of the violation and allow an opportunity to correct it. If the violation was <br />not corrected, a notice would be sent out for a hearing on revocation. If the <br />violation was still not corrected, the city would then seek a district court order. <br />Chair Mesich felt the conditional use permit would enable the city to set <br />conditions that would make it easier to enforce violations. Peter added that the <br />conditional use permit would clearly identify what the requirements are and what <br />a violation would be. <br /> <br />Commissioner Schuster questioned why another ordinance is needed if there <br />already is a nuisance ordinance. Peter Beck indicated the proposed ordinance <br />will add the noise and odor caused by the trucks to the list of nuisances. <br />Currently the city's nuisance ordinance follows state standards which would <br />require the city to purchase special equipment and conduct testing. Laurie <br />stated that the existing ordinance does not address idling of trucks during the <br />day, or the associated odors. If the idling is addressed through the conditional <br />use permit conditions, this will also address the odor issue. <br /> <br />Commissioner Schuster felt the issues are adequately addressed in the current <br />nuisance ordinance and felt the proposed ordinance would just create more <br />problems. Laurie Mezera-Kerr explained that the new language would give her <br />the necessary tools to go out and do her job, which is to enforce the operation of <br />semi tractors and trailers. Currently, the trucks are permitted in residential areas <br />and the nuisance ordinance only applies to the hours of 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. If a <br />complaint is received regarding noise and odor during the daytime hours, she <br />cannot enforce the nuisance ordinance. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Chair Mesich felt the ordinance was necessary and this will become more <br />evident as the city grows. He felt the proposed language was very lenient in <br />comparison to other cities. Peter Beck agreed that some cities do not allow the <br />semi tractors/trailers anywhere, but felt the ordinance was appropriate as the city <br />currently exists, due to the amount of rural area in Elk River. <br /> <br />Commissioner Kuester felt the ordinance was reasonable and sees it as a <br />compromise to total elimination of the parking of truck tractors and/or trailers. <br /> <br />COMMISSIONER COTE MOVED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE NO. <br />98-_, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ELK RIVER AMENDING SECTION 500.06(6) <br />OF THE CITY CODE OF ORDINANCES, PUBLIC HEARING CASE NO. OA 98-5, WITH THE <br />FOLLOWING CHANGES: <br /> <br />- ADD A COMMA AFTER THE WORD "VANS" IN LINE 2 OF NO.6. <br />- CHANGE "IN EXCESS OF TEN MINUTES" TO "IN EXCESS OF FIFTEEN MINUTES" <br />- STRIKE THE WORDS, "OR GREATER" <br />- STRIKE THE WORDS "SHALL ALSO BE CONSIDERED A PUBLIC NUISANCE" <br /> <br />COMMISSIONER KUESTER SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED 6-1. <br />Commissioner Schuster opposed. <br /> <br />. <br />