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Page 3 <br />Regular meeting of the Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br />December 15, 2009 <br />5.2 Review and Consider Water Department On -Call <br />The current water department on-call policy pays an employee eight additional hours (overtime <br />rate) each week for carrying the on-call phone. If the employee is called after hours and needs to <br />respond, they receive a minimum of two additional hours or whatever the respondent requires for <br />time. The on-call pay for the water department amounts to approximately $18,000 per year. <br />In recent years there have been very few call -outs not related to the SCADA system or shut -offs. <br />ERMU no longer responds to non -emergency call -outs for shut -offs. A laptop computer has been <br />budgeted for 2010 which will allow for responses to the SCADA alarms remotely. Well over 50% of <br />the 2009 call -outs will be eliminated by the purchase of a laptop computer. It will no longer be cost <br />effective to continue the on-call procedure for the water department. If a call -out is necessary and <br />management is unavailable, a water department employee will be dispatched and compensated the <br />minimum two hour call -out pay or whatever the respondent requires for time. Staff recommends <br />discontinuing the water department on-call policy when the laptop computer is fully functional. <br />Jerry Gumphrey moved to eliminate the water department on-call policy as of the closest pay <br />period on or around March 1, 2010. Daryl Thompson seconded the motion. <br />Motion carried 3-0. <br />5.3 Review Industry Rate and Finance Challenges <br />At the October 13, 2009, ERMU Commission meeting, staff was directed to comment on an <br />article published in the September 2009 Public Power magazine. Troy Adams asked the commission <br />if they had any special topics they wanted to discuss. The Commission commended Troy for the <br />interest he showed regarding all the topics of this article and if he has an area of interest he should <br />bring this back to the Commission for discussion at any time. <br />5.4 Review and Consider Street Lighting Fee (Verbal <br />At a previous ERMU Commission meeting John Dietz asked staff to look into the possibility of <br />having neighborhoods pay for their own street lighting instead of the City of Elk River. Troy Adams <br />stated that ERMU boundaries go beyond the City limits. John Dietz asked what the street lighting <br />cost was each month. Troy Adams stated approximately $20,000 is donated each month; the City of <br />Elk River is not actually incurring this cost. In order for fees to be collected, ERMU would have to <br />somehow create a way for it to pass through to the City of Elk River. The disproportion of rate payers <br />to City tax base payers complicates that. Lori Johnson stated some cities do not have a local power <br />company to aid in the street lighting fees and have to actually pay a vendor to maintain. The City of <br />Elk River is in a much better situation and didn't think anything needed to be done at this time. <br />