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Page 3 <br />Regular meeting of the Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br />October 13, 2009 <br />*Section 28 titled Paychecks, is in regards to the change of pay period dates. Effective the pay period <br />for the end of October, the pay period will change from Thursday through Wednesday, to Tuesday <br />through Monday. The On -Call switch will take place Tuesday Morning. No changes proposed. <br />*Section 52 titled Voting Leave, is required by Minnesota Statutes. Further discussion followed and <br />management commented this has not been an issue. No changes proposed. <br />John Dietz asked Attorney Peter Beck if the handbook could be approved being there were changes. <br />Peter Beck stated as long as the changes were stated, and the Section 25, Electric Reconnect Stipend <br />was removed, the handbook could be approved. <br />Daryl Thompson moved to approve the ERMU Employee Handbook with the added change to <br />Section 9, Weapons Prohibited with the exception of MMUA's Spring and Fall schooling, and <br />the omission of Section 25, Electric Reconnect Stipend. Jerry Gumphrey seconded the motion. <br />Motion carried 3-0. <br />4.2 Review and Consider Pay Reguest or 2009 <br />At the April 14, 2009, ERMU meeting the commission voted for a 0% pay increase but to revisit <br />in 6 months. Troy Adams reviewed the past process for comparing and calculating pay requests for <br />employees. <br />Art Gatchell addressed the commission giving a brief description of his work history, the praise of <br />ERMU and his co-workers, and the importance of keeping exceptional employees by following the <br />metro average. <br />Due to attorney recommendations, this is tabled and will be voted on at the November ERMU <br />Commission meeting. <br />Daryl Thompson moved to table this discussion until the November ERMU Commission <br />Meeting. Jerry Gumphrey seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. <br />4.3 Review Reauest by Developer for One Year Deferral of WAC (verbal) <br />At the September 8, 2009 ERMU Commission meeting, Commission was asked if they would <br />defer the WAC fees for the new proposed 53 unit building in Elk River Station. Commission voted to <br />go along with the decision the City of Elk River made regarding the deferral of fees. If the City of Elk <br />River deferred fees then ERMU would defer the WAC fees. Lori Johnson updated commission that <br />the City of Elk River denied the deferral of fees for the new building at Elk River Station. <br />