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ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES <br />REGULAR MEETING OF THE <br />UTILITIES COMMISSION <br />HELD AT UTILITIES CONFERENCE ROOM <br />October 13, 2009 <br />Members Present: John Dietz, President; Jerry Gumphrey, Vice Chair; <br />Daryl Thompson, Trustee <br />Staff Present: Troy Adams, Director of Operations; <br />Theresa Slominski, Finance Director/Office Manager; <br />Mark Fuchs, Line Superintendent; David Berg, Water Superintendent; <br />Wade Lovelette, Technical Services Superintendent; <br />Judy McSpadden, Recording Clerk; Michael Price, Adam Freiberg, Art Gatchell, <br />Scott Thoreson, Chris Sumstad, Lex Anderson, Shane Defeyter, Grant Orrock <br />Others present: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Tent' Maurer, City Public Works Director; <br />Peter K. Beck, Attorney from Gray Plant Mooty Law Firm <br />1. Call meeting to order October 13.2009 <br />John Dietz called the October 13, 2009 meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. <br />2. Consider Utilities Agenda <br />John Dietz added a couple of items for discussion under other business. <br />Daryl Thompson moved to approve the October 13, 2009 Utilities Agenda. Jerry Gumphrey <br />seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. <br />3. Consider Consent Agenda <br />John Dietz questioned the reason a substantial refund was given to a local business. Troy Adams <br />responded it was due to a billing switch of tenants years ago. The problem has since been corrected <br />and the tenant has been notified of the demand billing they will be charged. Troy Adams informed the <br />Commission on the Peak Demand charges for some small businesses. There are approximately 12 to <br />20 small businesses being charged a demand because of a piece of equipment that could be used <br />during the non -peaking time of day. John Dietz asked if the business that owes the back billed <br />demand charges for the past year has been notified of the fees due. Staff responded yes, Vance <br />Zehringer has been working with them. John Dietz asked if they were able to come up with the funds, <br />Troy Adams responded they would like to set up a payment plan. Discussion followed regarding a <br />discount if paid right away. <br />Jerry Gumphrey moved to offer a 20% discount on the back billed charges to 3rd Dimension if <br />fees are paid within 30 days. Daryl Thompson seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. <br />