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Page 5 <br />Regular meeting of the Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br />April 14, 2009 <br />5.3 Consider Rebates to Encourage Automatic Sprinkler Controls <br />David Berg discussed the possibility of requiring automatic sprinkler controls on <br />irrigation systems. The automatic sprinkler control could reduce water use for irrigating lawns <br />by up to 50%. Staff is recommending a "Smart Irrigation Rebate Program" to encourage <br />ERMU water customers to install automated "Smart" sprinkler systems. Discussion followed <br />regarding the possibility of enforcing this for new irrigation systems. John Dietz asked Terry <br />Maurer if the City Council would be receptive to this requirement and Terry Maurer said he <br />thought they would. Lori Johnson recommended water staff meet with the City Attorney to <br />put together an ordinance for City Council approval. <br />5.4 Review and Consider Changes to Meter Testing Policy <br />The current meter testing policy is in need of revision. Meters do not have to be removed <br />to be tested anymore. Staff recommends revising the current meter testing policy to read; "If a <br />customer requests the testing of his/her electric and or water meter because of high bills, they <br />shall deposit with the utility the sum of $50.00 for this test and it shall be paid prior to testing." <br />Jerry Gumphrey moved to change the wording for the meter testing policy as stated. <br />Daryl Thompson seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. <br />5.5 Review Company Vehicle Take -Home Practice <br />The vehicle take home policy was reviewed. John Dietz distributed information <br />regarding mileage, gas cost for vehicles, and asked of the necessity of taking home some of <br />the vehicles. Discussion followed. Jerry Gumphrey said he didn't have a problem with this <br />practice and didn't know why it was even being discussed. This discussion was tabled until <br />IRS tax rate status to individuals becomes available. <br />6.1 Discuss Use of City Attorney <br />In the past ERMU has utilized City Attorney Peter Beck and outside attorneys to deal <br />with legal issues. John Dietz said by law ERMU should be using only the City Attorney. <br />John Dietz moved to use City Attorney Peter Beck for all future legal issues. Daryl <br />Thompson seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. <br />6.2 Staff Updates <br />Jerry Gumphrey voiced his concern of future investing in the Big Stone II project. Vance <br />Zehringer responded the progress is looking good and John Dietz will be meeting with them <br />