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City Council Minutes <br />January 22, 2019 <br />Page 15 <br />Mayor Dietz asked if changing the positions in section 2E would cause an issue. <br />Ms. Wipper stated three of the positions are scored equally and the other three are <br />scored equally which would create a natural division. <br />Councilmember Westgaard clarified the scoring is based upon total points in the <br />evaluation. <br />Councilmember Wagner asked about Councilmember Westgaard and Mayor Dietz's <br />participation in the pay evaluation in 2018. Did they feel like they were involved? She <br />agrees not all six positions are the same and have a different workplace demand. <br />Councilmember Westgaard felt it may be useful to look at the scoring of the six <br />positions. He felt he has gained a different understanding of the process. <br />Mr. Pormer asked the council if their concern was that director positions are <br />underpaid within the peer groups (externally) or amongst themselves (internally). <br />Councilmember Westgaard responded the concern was with internal equity. <br />Councilmember Ovall agreed it comes down to core basic services. <br />Mayor Dietz added he doesn't want to drop anyone's pay. <br />Ms. Wipper asked for direction on how much pay difference should be between the <br />levels. <br />Councilmember Ovall asked if they could use the peer groups to determine a pay <br />range among essential service positions. <br />Ms. Wipper added they could use the same method of using the averages among pay <br />bands and leave the positions of Finance Director, Parks and Recreation Director, <br />and Community Development Director where they are. <br />Mayor Dietz agreed he did not want to increase the pay on these positions. <br />Ms. Wipper stated the city would be over paying these three positions based on peer <br />city average of average amounts. <br />Mayor Dietz and Councilmember Ovall agreed this was unavoidable. <br />Councilmember Ovall added the average of averages will raise the benchmark. <br />Mr. Pormer said the council decision wasn't a problem. His concern is with internal <br />and external equity and the ability to document the current system. <br />Ms. Wipper asked the Council when the change should be effective. <br />ror1REI Ir <br />MATURE <br />