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City CouncilMinutes <br />January 22, 2019 <br />Page 13 <br />Mr. Sagstetter responded it would take a couple hours of labor per year to maintain <br />and the cost should be under $500. The cost of the installation is $16,000-$20,000 <br />and would be paid for by a grant from MMPA. <br />Mr. Pormer asked if the unit could be roof mounted or if it could light a park or <br />ballfields instead. <br />Councilmember Christianson agreed that, if it were a demonstration project, it <br />should be more visible. <br />Mr. Sagstetter said they had considered other locations. Spectrum High School lacks <br />the space and energy consumption and ISD #728 was not interested. Municipal <br />liquor stores were considered but would not be a great location for school tours. <br />Councilmember Westgaard asked if Lion John Weicht Park was considered. <br />Councilmember Ovall asked if there was an ability to expand upon the project. <br />Mr. Sagstetter said the project could not be expanded upon and, if it were, it would <br />be increasingly costly and require more maintenance. <br />Councilmember Oval] liked the idea of it being located near the proposed <br />Multipurpose Recreational Facility. <br />Mr. Sagstetter stated MMPA is hoping to install this year. He will explore the load <br />amounts at Lion John Weicht Park. <br />There was additional discussion about changes to the buildings and structures at <br />Lion John Weicht Park. <br />Councilmember Westgaard wished to get it more visibility than it would at City Hall. <br />The Council was in favor of the installation. <br />Mr. Sagstetter will explore other locations. <br />9.3 City Compensation Plan <br />Mayor Dietz wished to bring this item to the Council's attention because he wasn't <br />sure they were aware that all the positions in the 2E section of the Positions and Pay <br />Grades were paid the same rate. The positions in 2E currently include Community <br />Development Director, Finance Director, Fire Chief, Park and Recreation Director, <br />Police Chief, and Public Works Director. <br />Mayor Dietz noted that, when all of the positions in pay grade 2E reach the top of <br />their pay scale, they will be making the same amount of money even though he does <br />not view all of these jobs as equal. <br />p0VEIEI Ir <br />NATURE <br />