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Page 3 <br />Regular meeting of the Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br />September 9, 2008 <br />amiable solution. Lori Johnson informed Commission of an upcoming meeting with UHG <br />regarding this issue. <br />Troy Adams reported 10 security sales in August with 24 service calls. Letters are being <br />sent out to homeowners that are being monitored by another company to let them know of our <br />rates. Locates are slow so staff has been working on updating the map books so new ones can <br />be printed in the near future. The meter shop is gearing up to do substation maintenance and <br />taking oil samples from transformers and regulators. A residential customer recently installed <br />a solar panel for his home. Staff will track this solar energy customer. <br />Theresa Slominski said MMUA notified us of a Federal Trade Commission regulation <br />requiring us to implement a red flag policy. This policy deals with companies taking <br />proactive measures to identify and prevent identity theft. Staff will pursue this and bring back <br />to the commission for review. We received the health insurance renewal rates for 2009 and it <br />is a 6.8% increase which will go into effect January 1, 2009. A meeting with the broker from <br />David Martin Agency is scheduled for Thursday, September 11, 2008. <br />Glenn Sundeen reported the County Road 39 rebuild project should be energized this <br />week, Brentwood rebuild is near completion, and the Deerfield 1 s` and 2rd rebuild in Area 18 <br />is just getting started. The possibility of restructuring some of the job responsibilities at the <br />plant was presented to the commission. John Dietz asked if the employee new of this, staff <br />responded no. Consensus was to revisit this at the next regularly scheduled meeting with the <br />employee present. <br />5.3 Review & Consider Policy Amendments <br />At the previous Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission meeting, staff was directed to <br />draft a number of personnel policies. Staff has started the process of drafting the required <br />policies and presented some drafts for feedback. The Employee Theft, Sale and Trade of <br />Unwanted Supplies and Equipment, and Employees Use of Supplies and Equipment were the <br />three polices drafted with the help of a committee of staff members. Discussion followed as to <br />the verbiage and the content of these new policies. <br />John Dietz moved to have the labor law firm of Gray Plant and Mooty, approve policies when <br />they are recommended to the commission prior to adoption. Jerry Gumphrey seconded the <br />motion. Motion carried 3-0. <br />6.1 Review & Consider Proposed 2009 Capital Protects <br />The first draft of the capital budget for 2009 was presented. In the electric and water area, <br />there is an increasing need to do maintenance in existing areas due to its age or life <br />expectancy. In the administrative area, one of the items was to replace a vehicle for daily Post <br />Office runs and monthly runs for the bills. The bills need to be in an enclosed vehicle. Right <br />