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Page 3 <br />Regular meeting of the Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br />July 15, 2008 <br />change job evaluation methods. Bryan Adams reviewed the Hay Group proposal. John Dietz <br />asked Lori Johnson to brief the Commission on the City's procedure and their rate structure. <br />John Dietz asked Lori Johnson to procure a quote from the company that performed their <br />study so comparisons can be made. <br />5.3 Review & Consider Waee Adiustments <br />During the Comparable Worth discussions at the June 2008 Elk River Municipal Utilities <br />Commission meeting, a couple issues were discussed and asked to be brought back at the next <br />meeting. The issues were the meter reading contract through McBrady Meter Reading, <br />contract increase for CIP and special projects Consultant Vance Zehringer, and salary <br />adjustment for the office clerk position. <br />The current contract versus the proposed contract for the meter reading was reviewed. <br />Bryan Adams met with Pat McGrady of McBrady Meter Reading and he approved of this <br />proposal. In summary, it would be the same cost as negotiated in 2004 except Elk River <br />Municipal Utilities would receive a 40% decrease for the meter readings being read with the <br />FC200 handheld radio device. <br />Vance Zehringer is the part-time consultant who handles the CIP program and special <br />projects, including customer visits. The last contract increase was in June 2007, staff <br />recommends an increase of $2 per hour. <br />Four people are currently classified as Office Clerk. The surveys performed show this <br />position has a large spread in pay depending on the actual duties. Staff recommends a $1 per <br />hour wage increase. <br />Jerry Gumphrey moved to approve McBrady Meter Reading contract, $2 per hour raise for <br />consultant Vance Zehringer, and $1 per hour raise for the four Office Clerks. John Dietz <br />seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. <br />5.4 Review & Consider Bid Tabulation for Electric Line Truck <br />At the June 2008 Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission meeting, authorization was <br />given to prepare specifications and secure bids to replace a 1999 Electric Line Truck. The bid <br />tabulation was reviewed and staff recommends awarding the bid to the lowest responsive <br />bidder, Dueco, with trade-in. John Dietz asked why the old truck was not being kept for a <br />spare. Staff responded the cost would be a lot considering it would need to have new hoses, <br />be supplied with tools, licensed, and insured. Glenn Sundeen said when a truck does need <br />repair, the crew will use a digger truck until their truck is repaired. <br />Jerry Takle moved to award the purchase of the Electric Line Truck to Dueco, the lowest <br />responsive bidder. Jerry Gumphrey seconded the motion. John Dietz abstained. Motion <br />carried 2-0. <br />