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3.0 ERMU MINUTES 04-17-2008
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3.0 ERMU MINUTES 04-17-2008
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Page 3 <br />Regular meeting of the Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br />March 11, 2008 <br />secondary current. John Dietz asked how often the are flash incidents occur, Glenn responded, <br />not very often. Staff is in the process of compiling an arc flash assessment analysis. <br />6.1 Review Electric & Water System Mapping <br />Elk River Municipal Utilities water distribution system is below ground and approximately <br />70% of the electric system is below ground also. Accurate mapping of the electric and water <br />distribution systems for operations and maintenance is critical. Abandoned electric and water <br />lines will also have to be located. Previously United Services Group documented and <br />maintained our distribution maps. Troy Adams has since brought the mapping in-house. Troy <br />Adams presented the map books for the electric and water distribution systems. Map books are <br />currently printed for the crews to have with them in the field. The future to mapping is in the <br />Arcview and GPS programs via laptop computers. The City of Elk River is currently utilizing <br />this method. This method is costly but can be updated daily on the laptops versus updating map <br />books periodically. <br />6.2 Employee Compensation Survey <br />In April, employees typically make their compensation increase request. In preparation of <br />this, staff has surveyed the seven comparable adjoining electric utilities for position salaries. <br />Does the Commission have any other issues they would want surveyed? John Dietz requested a <br />survey on the health insurance percentage paid. <br />6.3 Review Options for Jackson Street Water Tower <br />The 2008 budget for the water department contains a $40,000 item to demolish the Jackson <br />Street tower. This same issue was discussed in 2002. The Heritage Preservation Commission <br />appeared before the Commission at that time to request a delay. The possibility of utilizing the <br />tower for digital communication to help pay for maintaining the tower delayed the need for <br />demolition. Minor repairs were done on this tower in 2003. In approximately 2004, <br />communication antennas were placed on this tower but the communication company folded and <br />the final lease payments were never made. Staff has been marketing antenna placement but has <br />been unsuccessfiil due to tower location and not being tall enough. The deterioration of this <br />tower is now an issue. The repairs would cost an estimated $55,000 to $60,000 whereas the <br />demolition would cost approximately $35,000. John Dietz asked if the Historical Society has <br />been notified of this, and if would they want to share in the preservation costs. Staff responded <br />they have not contacted them as of yet, but will ask. Jerry Gumphrey will address this at the next <br />City Council workshop. Consensus is it would be too costly for the Utilities to solely assume <br />repairs and liability. If other contributors are willing to help, the tower could be saved. <br />Other Business <br />Vivian Schmidt, a long time employee of 30 years, will be retiring the end of May 2008. Staff is <br />in the process of finding a replacement for this position. There will be promotions within the <br />office which will open up a position for clerk/receptionist. This hiring process will be started <br />
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