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Page 3 <br />Regular meeting of the Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br />February 12, 2008 <br />6.1 Review ERMU Bill Printing Issue (verbal) <br />Billflash, the company that has been printing and mailing the monthly utility bills had a <br />problem with progranuning changes between their processing center and their printer. The <br />original bills sent out had correct information on the top of the bill but other or garbled <br />information on the bottom. Billflash agreed to send out corrected bills along with an apology <br />letter. The whole process caused a lot of confusion for our customers. Staff decided to bring <br />the billing process back in house. A new machine for stuffing the bills was recently purchased <br />along with the paper stock needed. Discussion followed regarding the payment request from <br />Billflash. <br />James Tralle moved to deny payment of any kind for this months' mailing due to their error. <br />Jerry Gumphrey seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. <br />6.2 Review and Consider Territory Acquisition <br />The 2008 budget contains a $300,000 line item to purchase Area 18. This area includes <br />101 customers and an overhead electric feeder line parallel to Highway 169 on the east side <br />from just south of Main Street to County Road 33. The budget also contains an $80,000 line <br />item to tie this newly acquired feeder to our Substation 14 with an underground line crossing <br />Highway 169. This will provide another tie line from Substation 14 to Substation North. <br />Staff recommends authorization to proceed with both budgeted items. <br />Jerry Gumphrey moved to proceed with the purchase of Area 18 and tie the newly acquired <br />feeder to Substation 14. James Tralle seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. <br />6.3 Review and Consider Grass Test Plot <br />Utility and City staff have been working on appropriate language for the proposed black <br />dirt policy that was discussed at previous meetings. City Attorney, Peter Beck is reviewing <br />this proposed ordinance. Bill Bronder with the Sherburne County Soil and Water <br />Conservation District is applying for a state grant to do some test plots using eco -grass. Mr. <br />Bronder is asking us to partner with his office on this test. Typical grass used in our area is <br />Kentucky Blue grass which requires much water, fertilizer, and frequent mowing. Kentucky <br />Blue grass is very drought intolerant and turns brown while going dormant with loss of water. <br />Eco -grass is a non-native fescue grass blend. This grass needs much less water and fertilizer <br />with extended mowing intervals and is more drought tolerant. Staff recommends <br />authorization be given to partner with Sherburne County Soil and Water Conservation District <br />to provide areas for test plots in high visible areas by Wells 42, #4, and #7. <br />James Tralle moved to approve the grass test plots. Jerry Gumphrey seconded the motion. <br />Motion carried 3-0. <br />