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ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES <br />REGULAR MEETING OF THE <br />UTILITIES COMMISSION <br />HELD AT UTILITIES CONFERENCE ROOM <br />February 12,2008 <br />Members Present: Jerry Takle, President; Jerry Gumphrey, Vice Chair; James Tralle, Trustee <br />Staff Present: Bryan Adams, General Manager; Glenn Sundeen, Line Superintendent; <br />David Berg, Water Superintendent; <br />Theresa Slominski, Finance Director/Office Manager; <br />Troy Adams, Engineering Manager; Judy McSpadden, Recording Clerk <br />Others Present: Ray Wuolo, Barr Engineering <br />1. Call meeting to order February 12, 2008 <br />President Jerry Takle called the February 12, 2008, meeting to order. <br />Jerry Takle requested 5.2 be visited fust to accommodate Ray Wuolo from Barr Engineering. <br />5.2 Review Water Resource Options <br />Barr Engineering was retained to do a cursory study to identify water supply alternatives <br />for Elk River. Ray Wuolo reviewed the regional geology issues and the characteristics of our <br />current wells and future wells. Utilization of available "drift" wells appear to be a good <br />supplement to the Mt. Simon Hinkley aquifer wells we now use. <br />2. Consider Utilities Agenda <br />James Tralle moved to approve the January 15, 2008, Utilities Agenda. Jerry Gumphrey <br />seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. <br />3. Consider Consent Agenda <br />Theresa Slominski reviewed a draft of the financials. James Tralle moved to approve the <br />Consent Agenda as follows: <br />January Check Register <br />January 15, 2008, Minutes <br />Financial Reports <br />Jerry Gumphrey seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. <br />5.1 Staff Up -dates <br />Bryan Adams informed the commission that the electric consumption compared to last <br />year is 12% higher and water is up 7.7%. He also informed them that there will be new <br />standards for brand new transformers making them 98% efficient, therefore increasing the cost <br />15-40%. The Public Utilities Commission (PUC) would like to digitize the electric territory <br />maps. In this process it was identified that there have been changes that have not been <br />reported to the PUC such as the territory acquisitions from Connexus, lot changes, etc. <br />