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ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES <br />REGULAR MEETING OF THE <br />UTILITIES COMMISSION <br />HELD AT UTILITIES CONFERENCE ROOM <br />December 11, 2007 <br />Members Present: Jerry Takle, President; Jerry Gumphrey, Vice Chair; James Tralle, Trustee <br />Staff Present: Bryan Adams, General Manager; Glenn Sundeen, Line Superintendent; <br />David Berg, Water Superintendent; <br />Theresa Slominski, Finance Director/Office Manager; <br />Troy Adams, Engineering Manager; Judy McSpadden, Recording Clerk <br />Others Present: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; <br />Robert McCartney, representing United Methodist Church <br />1. Call meeting to order December 11, 2007 <br />President Jerry Takle called the December 11, 2007, meeting to order. <br />2. Consider Utilities Agenda <br />James Tralle moved to approve the December 11, 2007, Utilities Agenda. Jerry <br />Gumphrey seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. <br />3. Consider Consent Agenda <br />James Tralle moved to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: <br />November Check Register <br />November 13, 2007, Minutes <br />Financial Reports <br />Jerry Gumphrey seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. <br />For courtesy to Robert McCartney 6.3 was handled first. <br />6.3 Review United Methodist Church — Abandoned Water Service <br />The United Methodist Church is in the process of expanding their facilities and parking <br />area. They have recently demolished a home adjacent to their property. The new policy <br />regarding abandoned water services has become a concern for United Methodist Church. <br />Robert McCartney, Elk River Municipal Utilities previous Water Superintendent, now retired, <br />was present to represent the church and their concerns. Robert McCartney stated that the <br />water lines are fairly new due to the 4s' Street water main replacement project a few years ago, <br />and that all the lots have copper services. The church is asking forgiveness of the per lot water <br />abandonment fee. Discussion followed regarding the fixture of the church and their building <br />plans. James Tralle asked if the church would accept paying one fee with an agreement that if <br />the fee was utilized for repair another deposit would be requested. Robert McCartney felt that <br />would be fair but would bring it to the church for approval. The concern for setting future <br />