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Page 2 <br />Regular meeting of the Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br />April 10, 2012 <br />4.1 Update on Power Supply Options / Resource Plannin¢ <br />In September 2008, Connexus Energy terminated the 10 -year rolling "all requirements" power <br />contract with Elk River Municipal Utilities (ERMU). ERMU Commission authorized entering into <br />"Phase 1" of a resource planning study in April of 2010, with a coalition which includes Central <br />Minnesota Municipal Power Agency (CMMPA) as a participant. In September 2010, ERMU <br />Commission authorized entering into "Phase 2" of a resource planning study which includes the <br />release of a Request For Proposal (RFP). The RFP was issued on November 15, 2010. In May 2011, <br />the ERMU Commission authorized entering into "Phase 2b" of the resource planning study which <br />will include risk assessment of the proposals. In addition to working with the Resource Planning <br />Coalition, staff continues to explore other power supply options. <br />Troy Adams said over the last couple of months ERMU has talked about different options <br />available for our wholesale power contract. Troy Adams introduced the representatives from <br />Southern Municipal Power Agency (SMMPA) to give an overview of their agency. Discussion <br />followed. <br />4.2 Review and Consider Holiday L.E.D. Lightina Award Proamm <br />At the March 20, 2012, ERMU Commission meeting, staff was directed to research the holiday <br />lighting contest that Princeton Public Utilities sponsors. Tom Sagstetter reviewed the costs associated <br />with a lighting contest. The one requirement of Princeton was that they must be an electric customer. <br />John Dietz agreed that participants should be an ERMU electric customer and asked what the other <br />commissioners thought. More discussion followed. Al Nadeau and Daryl Thompson thought it was <br />worth a try. John Dietz said he would like to try it on a one year basis. <br />AI Nadeau moved to try for one year, the program for Holiday Lighting. Daryl Thompson <br />seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. <br />4.3 Update on Water Conservation Program <br />At the March 20, 2012, ERMU Commission meeting, staff was directed to bring back the <br />commercial irrigation water conservation program marketing information and discuss implementation <br />of the new pilot program. There has been discussion in the past months on laws that pertain to water <br />conservation programs for Public water suppliers serving more than 1,000 people. In April 2012, <br />Governor Mark Dayton signed into law, water conservation measures that are consistent with the <br />commercial irrigation water conservation pilot program. The new law states that, "Public water <br />suppliers serving more than 1,000 people must encourage water conservation by employing water use <br />demand reduction measures..." The Commercial Irrigation Water Conservation Program would meet <br />or exceed the requirements of the law. <br />