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Elk River <br />Municipal Utilities <br />13069 Orono Parkway • P.O. Box 430 <br />Elk River, MN 55330.0430 <br />March 6, 2009 <br />To: Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br />John Dietz <br />Jerry Gumphrey <br />Daryl Thompson <br />From: Vance Zehringer <br />Subject: Miscellaneous <br />Phone: 763.441.2020 <br />Fax: 763.441.8099 <br />Sales of electricity for February 2009 are up 12% over a like period last year. Sales of water for <br />February 2009 are down 8.5% over a like period last year, but sales year-to-date are up 2.9%. <br />Discussions with potential power suppliers has not progressed appreciably over the last two <br />weeks pending further input from our present power supplier, Connexus Energy. The <br />Confidentiality Agreement has been changed to eliminate reference to the City of Elk River and <br />has been signed and forwarded to Connexus Energy. A meeting has been scheduled on March 9, <br />and if anything of any substance results, that information will be presented in the closed meeting. <br />We did generate a non-binding Letter Of Interest with Central Minnesota Municipal Utilities <br />Agency (CMMPA) to keep us in the loop for a share of the Big Stone II Project in case we decide <br />that is in our best interest. A copy of that non-binding Letter Of Interest is attached. CMMPA <br />continues to be interested in partnering with us in becoming our full requirements power supplier <br />once our contract with Connexus Energy expires. Contacts with Minnesota Municipal Power <br />Agency (MMPA) have failed to produce anything meaningful — they are not interested in adding <br />additional members at this time. As mentioned at the Feb Commission Meeting, Wright <br />Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association (WHCEA) has decided not to make us an offer <br />because Basin Power Cooperative has made a decision not to sell power to any municipals. They <br />have been removed from the list of potential power suppliers. Finding a suitable wholesale power <br />supplier may be more difficult than originally perceived! <br />Staff was directed to secure bids for inspecting the integrity of the Jackson Street Water Tower. <br />To date, KLM Engineering and SEH Engineering have expressed interest is performing same for <br />us. The KLM bid has been received, but we are awaiting a bid from SEH. Both bids will be <br />presented for your consideration at the April commission meeting. Some pertinent information <br />was included in the cover letter accompanying the KLM bid. That cover letter is attached. <br />The Contract for a communication antenna on the Gary Street water tower is in the final stages, <br />and we hope to be able to provide the finished product for action at the March 10 Utilities <br />Commission Meeting. <br />An Annual Report to the Elk River City Council was presented at their March 2 meeting. A copy <br />of same is attached for your perusal. <br />