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Applicable Regulations <br />Preliminary Plat <br />City ordinance section 30-375 outlines the required findings for approval of a Preliminary Plat. <br />1.The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning regulations (article VI of this chapter) and conforms in <br />all respects with all requirements of this Code, including the zoning regulations and this article. <br />Both parcels in the subdivision abut and have access to a public street. With approval of the <br />minimum lot size variance (V 19-01) both parcels will satisfy the dimensional standards <br />outlined in the ordinance. No change to the zoning has been approved/requested, and any <br />future use will need to be consistent with the zoning regulations at the time of approval. <br />If the associated variance is not approved by the Board of Adjustments, the plat will need to <br />be recommended for denial based on non-compliance with this standard, or recommended <br />for approval with a condition that the appealed variance be approved at the City Council. <br />2.The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable general and specialized city, county, and regional <br />plans, including, but not limited to, the city's comprehensive development plan. <br />MnDOTprovided comments regarding anticipated changes to Highway 169, but did not state <br />the proposal would conflict with future plans. Access to the west, MnDOT right-of-way, is <br />restricted via the plat. The subdivision is consistent with all applicable plans. <br />3.The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to <br />erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and drainage are suitable for the type and density of development <br />and uses contemplated. <br />Future development of the parcel will be limited by the presence of overhead power line <br />easements, which are shown on the plat and sketch plans. However, the applicant included <br />sketch plans showing how the site can be configured for future development. Drainage and <br />grading plans will be reviewed when a development application is submitted for the parcels in <br />the future. The physical characteristics of the site support future commercial development. <br />4.The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage transportation, <br />erosion control and all other services, facilities and improvements otherwise required in this article. <br />The subdivision includesadequate provisions for future connections to city utilities, and the <br />developable parcel can accommodate stormwater and access/circulation requirements based <br />on the submitted sketch plans. Future development applications will need to show <br />compliance with city requirements at the time of approval. <br />5.The proposed subdivision will not cause substantial environmental damage. <br />The subdivision will not cause substantial environmental damage. <br />6.The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record or with easements established by judgment of <br />a court. <br />The subdivision includes a significant number of utility easements for overhead power lines. <br />These easements limit the development potential of the site and will need to be accounted for <br />with any future project. <br />N:\\Departments\\Community Development\\Planning\\Case Files\\P\\P 19-01 ER Ventures 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat\\4-Planning <br />Commission\\4.2 sr ER Ventures PrePlat.docx <br />