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Planning Commission Page 2 <br />December 18, 2018 <br />----------------------------- <br />Commissioner Larson-Vito asked if there were any other commercial areas in the <br />city where an institutional use isn’t allowed. <br /> <br />Mr. Carlton stated all straight commercial zoning districts allow institutional use. He <br />stated some PUDs may not allow institutional use. <br /> <br />Commissioner Rydberg wondered about the applicant’s future plans of either <br />purchasing the unit or moving out. <br /> <br />Chair Johnson opened the public hearing. <br /> <br />th <br />Rich Schultz, 15894 54 Street NE, St. Michael, is the owner of Freeport Business <br />Center, in the same zoning district as 550 Freeport Ave. NW. He stated he doesn’t <br />oppose the function or mission statement of the applicant but he felt there were <br />other locations that would be a better fit for a religious institution than in a strip mall <br />plaza in a commercial setting. He noted the city revamping the mixed use Elk River <br />Plaza District a few years back and stated he had concerns with the county assessor <br />making tax adjustments as a result and in turn raised his taxes. He felt it unfair that <br />this building wouldn’t see their taxes increased by adding this allowed use. He also <br />felt this could turn into a similar development as the Spectrum High School setting, <br />in which the school expanded in an area not suited for institutional use, not suiting <br />the city well. Mr. Schultz expressed concerns with parking and challenges with <br />similar congestion problems at buildings in the surrounding area. He also noted the <br />allowed signage was more generous than what was allowed on his own building. He <br />indicated there was the possibility that the city would lose out on taxes, stating he <br />spoke to the county assessor’s office and they indicated institutional uses were tax <br />exempt. He stated he didn’t feel the building should not have to pay property taxes <br />because of the type of tenant allowed in the building. <br /> <br />th <br />Charles Handren, 14470 54 Street NE, St. Michael – stated he was the Pastor of <br />Preaching for Glory of Christ Fellowship. He indicated that they are hoping for a <br />long-term lease with future plans to acquire and develop a property at some point <br />but no ability to do so at this time. He indicated there is no tax exemption for the <br />building since they will be leasing the building from B & G Realty, LLC. <br /> <br />There being no one present to speak, Chair Johnson closed the public hearing. <br /> <br />Commissioner Jordan asked about the tax implications. <br /> <br />Mr. Carlton stated he contacted the county assessor and posed the question about a <br />commercial property owner leasing part of their building to a church, and would they <br />still have to pay taxes. The assessor stated the building owner would still have to pay <br />taxes and provided some examples of a few other similar properties in the county. <br /> <br />Commissioner Jordan asked if there were any traffic concerns, noting there were two <br />entrances and by estimating the number of attendees wondered the number of <br />parking stalls and if there would be a traffic or parking issue. <br /> <br /> <br />