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February 9, 1995 Steering Committee Minutes
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Planning Commission
Steering Committee
1995 Comprehensive Plan (2)
February 9, 1995 Steering Committee Minutes
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Steering Committee Minutes <br />February 9, 1995 <br />Page 3 <br />hopes that the east -west corridor will be routed around this whole area so that it <br />can be preserved intact. He commented that other communities have made a <br />decision to remove roadways that run through park land because it creates a <br />barrier and interferes with usage of the park. <br />Steve Ach provided background information on the proposed east -west corridor <br />to provide a link with Anoka County from Viking Boulevard, through Elk River to Big <br />Lake Township. He stated that Sherburne County is leading the proposal and that <br />the City will participate in the process. Steve noted that it would be most <br />desirable to use existing roads as much as possible, reducing the need for <br />acquiring right-of-way, and that consideration be given to the Park and Rec <br />Commission's concerns. He concluded by saying that no decisions have been <br />made for the corridor at this time and it is still in the planning stage. <br />At this time Dave Anderson displayed two slides which he felt demonstrated the <br />need for park land and preservation of trees in land development. Pictures were <br />taken before and after development of property located east of Highway 169, <br />north of Elk Hills Drive. <br />Barb Miracle, resident, questioned the safety of trails on the shoulders of the <br />county roads. Dave Anderson explained that widened shoulders are the least <br />desirable form of trail, but are better than no trail at all. He stated that a <br />detached, improved trails along a rural roadway is very expensive to put in. <br />Mike O'Brien, Park and Rec Commissioner, commented that he is aware of <br />studies indicating that off -road bicycling trails are more dangerous than shoulder <br />bicycling, because of the fact that automobile traffic does not recognize trail <br />crossings as an intersection. <br />Discussion followed regarding planning for park land property. Dave Anderson <br />stated that 10 - 20 acres are needed for a smaller park complex and <br />approximately 40 acres for a large one. <br />Mary Eberley stated that she felt that special use parks should be named <br />"preserve", so that the intention is clear. Dave stated that a special use park <br />would be used for fishing or other unique uses. <br />Discussion followed regarding the Shiely property. Chair Minton stated that the <br />Steering Committee will be making a recommendation as part of this review <br />process, regarding zoning of the property for future use when the mining is <br />completed. <br />Mike Nizeolik offered the following suggestions for the Steering Committee to <br />consider in updating the Comprehensive Plan: <br />1. Take advantage of new local grant program entitled, Natural and Scenic <br />Area Grant Program by planning a land acquisition of additional Dry Subtype <br />Oak Forest on the Shiely property or a significant Mississippi River trail corridor. The <br />deadline for all grant applications is May 1, 1995. Mr. Nizeolek is presently <br />preparing this application. The grant involves a 50-50 match of funds by the City <br />for up to $200,000. <br />
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