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EXHIBIT B <br />CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL <br />1. A Development Agreement must be signed by the city and developer prior to <br />releasing the final plat for recording. <br />2. Surface Water Management Impact Fee (rural) shall be paid for 16 lots at the rate <br />applicable at the time the final plat is released for recording. <br />3. Park Dedication (low density) shall be paid for 16 dwelling units at the rate applicable <br />when the subdivision is released for recording. <br />4. A Letter of Credit shall be provided to the city in the amount of 100% of the costs of <br />the public improvements. <br />5. Upon completion of all improvements and acceptance by the city, a security or <br />warranty in a form acceptable to the city engineer must be secured. <br />6. Development Plan shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of <br />building permits. <br />7. Any item or condition found indicating the site is likely to yield information important <br />to pre -history or history shall immediately be reported to the city. Further, the city <br />reserves the right to stop work authorized in its approval until the site is appropriately <br />investigated and work is authorized. <br />10VEE0EI II <br />N A TURA <br />