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§ 30-1293 ELK RIVER CODE <br /> III <br /> (19) Ministorage. d. Mail order operations. <br /> (20) All uses allowed as a conditional use in e. Telecommunication operations. <br /> the I-1 zone. f. Sherburne County fair. <br /> (e) Architectural standards. No provisions of g. Warehouse space not exceeding 50 <br /> section 30-938 except subsection 30-938(2) per- percent of the entire building. <br /> taming to exterior building finish and subsection <br /> 30-938(3)pertaining to roofing standards applies h. Showroom space. <br /> to this district. i. Repair and maintenance, excluding <br /> (Code 1982, § 900.12(15)) auto repair. <br /> Sec. 30-1294. BP business park district. (2) Permitted uses allowed when the under- <br /> lying land use is highway business are as <br /> (a) Purpose. follows: <br /> (1) The business park district is established C) Health athletic clubs. <br /> to encourage a planned, integrated envi- <br /> ronment for certain industrial, office, and b. Personal service establishments. <br /> commercial uses which are compatible c. Financial institutions. <br /> with and complement each other as well <br /> as the surrounding land uses. The under- (c) Accessory uses. Accessory uses in the BP <br /> lying land use designation within the dis- district are as follows: <br /> trict may vary and may be either light <br /> industrial or highway business. Develop- (1) Off-street parking lots or facilities. <br /> ment within the business park district (2) Private recreational facilities. <br /> III will correspond with the land use desig- <br /> nation. Industrial and office uses are al- (3) Public shelters and essential services. <br /> lowed where the land use designation is (4) Retail sales, provided the following condi- <br /> light industrial, and commercial uses are tions are met: <br /> allowed where the land use designation is <br /> highway business. a. The retail sales activity shall not be <br /> located in an administrative office <br /> (2) It is the intent of this section that devel- facility, but shall be located within a <br /> opment reflect common themes using corn- business, the principal use of which <br /> patible architectural design and consis- is not commercial sales. <br /> tency in signage,landscaping,and lighting. <br /> It is also the intent to encourage busi- b. The retail sales activity shall not <br /> nesses which generate a high number of occupy more than 15 percent of the <br /> jobs per square foot rather than predom- gross floor area, or a maximum of <br /> inantly warehouse type uses. 5,000 square feet of the occupied <br /> quarters, whichever is less. <br /> (b) Permitted uses. Permitted uses in the BP <br /> district are as follows: c. The retail sales activity shall be re- <br /> lated and subordinate to the princi- <br /> (1) Permitted uses allowed when the under- pal use. <br /> lying land use is light industrial are as <br /> follows: d. No sign identifying or promoting that <br /> retail sales occur within the building <br /> a. Light manufacturing. shall be visible from outside the build- <br /> b. Research and development laborato- ing• <br /> ries. e. Freestanding retail shops and stores <br /> c. Government, business, and profes- shall be limited to those which corn- <br /> • sional offices. plement other uses within the busi- <br /> CD30:138 <br />