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• EIS indicates a final contour of 980 feet. Staff does not feel this proposes a significant <br /> problem, but we will have the City Engineer's recommendation on this issue prior to <br /> Tuesday night's meeting. <br /> Condition number 10 in the attached CUP, titled Traffic: <br /> For the most part, the language contained in the current permit still pertains. However, staff <br /> recommends that the reference to January 1, 2005 be replaced with language requiring <br /> Aggregate Industries use the Highway 169/CSAH 33 interchange as soon as its construction is finished. <br /> Condition number 12 and 13 in the attached CUP, titled Hours of Operation and <br /> Noise: <br /> Normal hours of operation for mineral excavation are from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m., <br /> Monday through Saturday. Aggregate Industries requested and was granted extended hours <br /> under their original permit, as long as it wasn't an annoyance to surrounding properties. For <br /> two seasons the extended hours apparently were not a problem. However,in the last two <br /> week, staff has received numerous complaints from neighbors regarding noise from this pit. <br /> Staff has visited the neighborhoods experiencing problems during evening hours to confirm <br /> the noise issues. On September 16, 2003, staff hosted a meeting between representatives of <br /> Aggregate Industries and the neighbors bothered by the noise from the operation. <br /> Of issue is not whether or not the noise complaints are legitimate. Rather, the issue is <br /> whether or not Aggregate Industries can satisfactorily resolve the problem. Aggregate <br /> • Industries is proposing a number of remediation measures such as soundproofing their <br /> primary crushed, rubber padding on the parts of their operation where gravel hits metal and <br /> sound walls. <br /> Aggregate will not have most of the measures they propose to resolve noise issues <br /> completed until after the Planning Commission meeting. Staff has arranged another <br /> neighborhood meeting prior to the City Council considering this issue to see if the <br /> remediation measures succeeded. Staff recommends the hours of operation for this request be reduced to <br /> the normal hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., if noise issues are not resolved prior to the City Council <br /> considering their requested expansion. <br /> Condition number 17 in the attached CUP, titled Groundwater Protection Measures: <br /> During the neighborhood meeting staff hosted, a number of residents expressed concerns <br /> regarding their wells. The city's EIS included a pump test to see what effects,if any, <br /> appropriating large amounts of ground water for washing gravel would have on adjacent <br /> wells. The pump test did indicate that there is a potential to affects the well at the residents <br /> on the corner of CSAH 77 and 213th Street. <br /> Due to this concern, a number of conditions were placed on Aggregate Industries'washing <br /> operation, including reporting drops in the ground water level and the city having the right <br /> to curtail water appropriation. In addition,Aggregate Industries'wells is only twenty (25) <br /> feet deep and they have a three (3) celled system that allows wash water that doesn't <br /> • evaporate to filtrate back to the ground water. Staff feels that adequate conditions are in <br /> placed to deal with this issue, especially since the houses in question are even a greater <br />