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•§30-1294 ELK RIVER CODE <br /> and have a maximum size of 64 c. Major exterior surfaces that are ad- <br /> square feet and height of eight jacent to any public street, public <br /> feet. trail/path, or adjacent residentially <br /> 2. One on-premises business wall zoned properties shall be of one of <br /> sign per occupancy, not to ex- the acceptable materials and shall <br /> ceed two square feet in sign be combined with at least 30 percent <br /> area for each linear foot of the of one or more acceptable materials, <br /> building frontage up to a max- or with 40 percent punched open- <br /> imum of 128 square feet per ings, with or without glass (or as <br /> occupancy, is permitted. much as allowed by the Uniform <br /> (4) Exterior building finishes. Building Code, whichever is less), <br /> neither of which are to be concen- <br /> a. It is the intent of the city to promote trated in any one location, unless to <br /> and encourage high standards of cre- accentuate a design feature. Major <br /> ative architectural design in the busi- exterior surfaces that are visible from <br /> ness park district. but not adjacent to any public street, <br /> b. In the business park zoning district, public trail/path,or adjacent residen- <br /> the following are acceptable building tially zoned properties shall be con- <br /> materials and finishes: sidered transition walls and may have <br /> 1. Brick. less than the 30 percent combination <br /> or less than 40 percent punched open- <br /> 2. Natural or cut stone. ings, but either shall not be reduced <br /> 3. Integrally colored split face(rock to zero percent). Reductions below <br /> • face), burnished, or glazed con- 20 percent shall require staff ap- <br /> crete masonry unit (excluding proval. Such walls shall be screened <br /> plain or painted). from view with additional landscap- <br /> 4. Integrally colored and exposed ing.The requirement to have at least <br /> aggregate precast concrete pan- 30 percent of one or more acceptable <br /> els (excluding single-T or dou- materials shall not apply to the load- <br /> ble-T panels, plain, uncolored, ing dock wall. <br /> or raked finish)or specially de- d. Major exterior surfaces that are ad- <br /> signed, cast-in-place concrete. jacent to any public street, public <br /> 5. Glass, architectural metal, fi- trail/path, or adjacent residentially <br /> berglass and aluminum, pro- zoned properties shall not exceed <br /> vided such panels are factory 160 feet zero inches in length with- <br /> fabricated and finished with a out a minimum four-foot depth change <br /> durable nonfade surface and (recesses,protrusions, or a combina- <br /> their fasteners are of a corrosion- tion thereof),with at least two feet of <br /> resistant design. such change to be in the entire height <br /> 6. Stucco, E.I.F.S., and other of the facade. <br /> cementitious coating. <br /> e. Alternatively, exterior wall surfaces <br /> 7. Wood,provided the surfaces are are to be designed with architectural <br /> finished for exterior use or wood interest through multiple design tech- <br /> of proven exterior durability is niques such as, but not limited to, <br /> used, such as cedar, redwood, architectural forms, reveals, tex- <br /> and/or cypress. tures, cornice detailing, changes in <br /> 8. Other materials determined as surface planes, color, punched open- <br /> acceptable by the planning de- ings and/or changes in parapet ele- <br /> partment. vations. The use of design tech- <br /> CD30:140 <br />