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• Forest Management Plan <br /> An approved Forest Management Plan will be required if more than two (2) <br /> significant trees per year are removed. At a minimum, the plan shall include the <br /> following information: <br /> 1. A scaled map designating all forested areas and existing and proposed <br /> uses of such areas. <br /> 2. Location of all existing structures, road utilities and driveways on site. <br /> 3. A written narrative describing specific reasons for developing the plan , <br /> and how these actions and activities will affect the forest. <br /> 4. Tree replacement plan shall be required if trees are removed without <br /> obtaining and approved Forest Management plan. <br /> Application <br /> An application for a tree preservation permit must be made in writing on a form <br /> provided by the City. For single family lots with existing significant trees or <br /> woodlands, a tree preservation plan shall be submitted for review by staff in <br /> conjunction with a building permit application. For application for preliminary <br /> plats, conditional use permits and site plan applications, the tree preservation <br /> plan must be submitted along with the other application. <br /> • Submission Requirements <br /> All tree preservation plans shall be certified by a forester or landscape architect. <br /> An application for tree preservation permit shall include the following information: <br /> 1. Location of all existing and proposed buildings, structures or <br /> impervious surfaces. <br /> 2. Delineation of all areas to be graded or filled and limits of disturbance. <br /> 3. A tree inventory depicting the size, species and location of all existing <br /> significant trees, specimen trees and significant woodlands located <br /> within the area to be platted or within the parcel of record. This data <br /> should be provided in tabular form. <br /> 4. Identification of all significant trees, specimen trees and significant <br /> woodlands proposed to be removed or impacted by the construction <br /> area. This data should be provided in tabular form. <br /> 5. Measures to protect significant trees, specimen trees and significant <br /> woodlands. <br /> 6. Size, species and location of all replacement trees proposed to be <br /> planted on the property in accordance with the tree replacement <br /> schedule. <br /> 7. A plan that accurately identifies the location and types of all existing <br /> • trees and woodlands to be removed and those to be preserved on the <br /> 5 <br />