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Memo to Planning Commission/OA 02-02 <br /> March 26,2002 <br /> Page 2 <br /> • Escrow Requirements <br /> In regards to escrows, the ordinance currently requires that an applicant submit a <br /> performance guarantee in the amount of 50 percent of the value of uncompleted landscape <br /> improvements. This is part of the landscaping requirements within the Zoning Code. Staff <br /> is suggesting that this requirement be deleted from the landscape area of the ordinance and <br /> be expanded to include all exterior improvements such as grading,detention ponds,blacktop <br /> and curbing,in addition to landscaping. The escrow requirement would appear in Section <br /> 900.38, Building Permits, Certificates of Occupancy, Fees. <br /> The escrow requirement is split into two parts;the first being residential escrows which <br /> would be required only when the site improvements could not be installed due to the season. <br /> Typically,all landscaping(seeding or sodding),driveway,sidewalk and grading improvements <br /> must be completed prior to the City issuing a certificate of occupancy on a residential <br /> dwelling unit. <br /> The second requirement applies to commercial and industrial properties. Staff is suggesting <br /> that a letter of credit in the amount of 3 percent of the construction value be submitted in <br /> order to issue the building permit. The letter of credit would be released one year after the <br /> landscaping is completed. This will insure that all exterior improvements will be installed <br /> and that the landscaping has survived one growing season,which will insure its viability. <br /> The letter of credit should reduce the amount of follow-up administration and provide an <br /> enforcement mechanism to encourage ordinance compliance. <br /> • Recommendation <br /> Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the ordinance <br /> amendment regarding certificates of survey and escrows. <br /> III <br /> S:\PLANNING\Case Files\OA 02-02 Certif Survey\PC memo 3-26.doc <br />