Feature Unit Total Units Unit Cost Total Cost
<br />Skate Park SF 11,000.00 35.00$ 385,000$
<br />Boat Ramp SF 300.00 -$
<br />Existing North Parking Demo - Bituminous SY 6,000.00 1.50$ 9,000$
<br />Existing North Parking Demo - Curb Removal LF 2,050.00 5.00$ 10,250$
<br />North Parking Lot Bituminous SF 35,000.00 5.00$ 175,000$
<br />North Parking Lot Curb & Gutter LF 1,500.00 25.00$ 37,500$
<br />North Parking Lot Lighting EA 5.00 6,000.00$ 30,000$
<br />AIS Stations EA 2.00 10,000.00$ 20,000$
<br />Boat Ramp Shelter SF 1,000.00 100.00$ 100,000$
<br />Kuss Field Removal for Relocation & Reseed for Lawn LS 1.00 25,000.00$ 25,000$
<br />Expanded Beach Area LS 1.00 5,000.00$ 5,000$
<br />Refurbish Shelter LS 1.00 20,000.00$ 20,000$
<br />Existing South Parking Demo - Bituminous SY 4,000.00 1.50$ 6,000$
<br />Existing South Parking Demo - Curb Removal LF 1,850.00 5.00$ 9,250$
<br />South Parking Lot Bituminous SF 29,000.00 5.00$ 145,000$
<br />South Parking Lot Curb and Gutter LF 1,600.00 25.00$ 40,000$
<br />South Parking Lot Lights EA 7.00 6,000.00$ 42,000$
<br />Relocated Sand Volleyball LS 1.00 10,000.00$ 10,000$
<br />Sand Volleyball Lights LS 1.00 20,000.00$ 20,000$
<br />Basketball Court LS 1.00 40,000.00$ 40,000$
<br />Basketball Court Lights LS 1.00 20,000.00$ 20,000$
<br />4 Court Pickleball Complex LS 1.00 50,000.00$ 50,000$
<br />Pickleball Court Lights LS 1.00 30,000.00$ 30,000$
<br />Park Pavillion With Restrooms, Storage, Concessions LS 1.00 500,000.00$ 500,000$
<br />Splash Pad SF 5,000.00 100.00$ 500,000$
<br />Splash Pad Expansion SF 4,000.00 80.00$ 320,000$
<br />Fitness Area LS 1.00 80,000.00$ 80,000$
<br />Fitness Area Installation LS 1.00 15,000.00$ 15,000$
<br />New 8' fencing at softball fields LF 1,875.00 80.00$ 150,000$
<br />New 16' fencing at softball fields LF 325.00 110.00$ 35,750$
<br />New 4' fencing at dog park LF 1,000.00 50.00$ 50,000$
<br />New Trail LF 3,400.00 60.00$ 204,000$
<br />Existing Trail Reconstruction LF 1,150.00 25.00$ 28,750$
<br />Raingarden Stormwater/Infiltration Enhancements EA 6.00 20,000.00$ 120,000$
<br />Plaza Space SF 8,800.00 12.00$ 105,600$
<br />Total 3,338,100$
<br />Contingency 10%333,810$
<br />Total after Contingency 3,671,910$
<br />Design and Engineering 18%660,944$
<br />Total after Design and Engineering 4,332,854$
<br /> *Estimates reflect 2017 costs. These are subject to change due to a number of factors, including (but not limited to) inflation, labor and material costs, and regulatory changes.
<br /> **Costs for permitting are not included in this estimate
<br /> ***Costs reflect pricing that may be expected from a private contractor/competetive bid approach. In some cases savings may be achieved through staff or volunteer work.