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06-04-2018 CCM
City Government
City Council
Council Minutes
City Council 1974 - Present
06-04-2018 CCM
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6/19/2018 8:36:44 AM
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6/19/2018 8:36:44 AM
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City Council Minutes <br />June 4, 2018 <br />Page 8 <br />Councilmember Wagner echoed it would be great to get some additional options <br />with the loss of GRE. She also wondered how the commission sees the synergy <br />between its mission and the "Powered by Nature" brand. <br />Commissioner Sagstetter talked about renewable energy powering some or all of the <br />city buildings in the future. Renewable energy may continue to become more <br />affordable. He also mentioned evaluating new buildings and construction projects to <br />tie in renewable energy. The Energy City Commission is looking at multi-year <br />projects. <br />Councilmember Wagner would personally like to see an increase in recycling and <br />organics services. If it is easy for the public to do, they are more apt to do it. Perhaps <br />the Energy Commission could participate in events and promote energy saving <br />options to the public. <br />Commissioner Curtis asked the Council what the commission's role in Energy City <br />branding would look like. She felt the commission would like to be involved, not <br />only from a fiscal standpoint, but from an environmental viewpoint. <br />Councilmember Wagner said the commission may want to be involved in Business <br />Retention & Expansion (BR&E) visits. She also mentioned the Beautification <br />Commission recognizes and awards business owners who make aesthetic <br />improvements to their property, perhaps the energy commission could look at a <br />similar program for energy efficiency improvements. <br />Commissioner Sagstetter said the city used to have a "High Five" award which <br />recognized energy efficiency. <br />Councihnember Westgaard said the city has been fortunate to have a power plant, <br />recycling center, and landfill but is now looking at "Chapter Two" as community <br />engagement and educating businesses. He wondered if the Commission had any <br />ideas on incentives for residents to recycle more and reduce the waste stream. It <br />would be helpful if there was a resource for questions on solar and electric vehicles. <br />It would be nice to figure out alternative uses for the GRE site and future <br />partnership opportunities. <br />Councilmember Olsen commented GRE is a serious issue. The annual clean up <br />events produce a lot of recyclable material. Commissioner Hanson shared the 2018 <br />clean up event had fewer in attendance but the same volume of materials. <br />Commissioner Curds asked the best way to provide feedback to the Council. The <br />Council gets a Commission update once per month, but, if the Commission wishes <br />to provide information more often, they can contact City Administrator Portner or <br />Ms. Bednar. Items can also be added to the council agenda. She also wanted to know <br />if the Council saw value in the Energy Commission offering input on projects from <br />an energy standpoint. <br />�owEeEa er <br />NAYURE <br />
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