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4.5. SR 06-04-2018
City Government
City Council
Council Agenda Packets
2011 - 2020
4.5. SR 06-04-2018
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6/1/2018 9:25:39 AM
Creation date
6/1/2018 9:24:34 AM
City Government
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Exhibit 2 <br />to Taxable TIF Note <br />ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND RECEIPT FOR NOTE <br />The undersigned, <br />acknowledges that: <br />a ("Note Holder"), hereby certifies and <br />A. On the date hereof the Note Holder has [acquired from]/[made a loan (the <br />"Loan") [to/for the benefit] off Jackson Hills Residential Suites, LLC (the "Developer") <br />[secured in part by] the Taxable Tax Increment Revenue Note (Jackson Hills Residential Suites, <br />LLC Project), a pay-as-you-go tax increment revenue note in the original principal amount of <br />$463,297 dated 20_ of the City of Elk River, Minnesota (the "City"), a copy of <br />which is attached hereto ("Note" ). <br />B. The Note Holder has had the opportunity to ask questions of and receive from the <br />Developer all information and documents concerning the Note as it requested, and has had <br />access to any additional information the Note Holder thought necessary to verify the accuracy of <br />the information received. In determining to [acquire the Note]/[make the Loan], the Note Holder <br />has made its own determinations and has not relied on the City or information provided by the <br />City. <br />C. The Note Holder represents and warrants that: <br />1. The Note Holder is acquiring [the Note]/[an interest in the Note as <br />collateral for the Loan] for investment and for its own account, and without any view to <br />resale or other distribution. <br />2. The Note Holder has such knowledge and experience in financial and <br />business matters that it is capable of evaluating the merits and risks of acquiring [the <br />Note]/[an interest in the Note as collateral for the Loan]. <br />3. The Note Holder understands that the Note is a security which has not <br />been registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or any state securities law, <br />and must be held until its sale is registered or an exemption from registration becomes <br />available. <br />4. The Note Holder is aware of the limited payment source for the Note and <br />interest thereon and risks associated with the sufficiency of that limited payment source. <br />5. The Note Holder is [a bank or other financial institution] / [the owner of <br />the property from which the tax increments which are pledged to the Note are generated]. <br />D. The Note Holder understands that the Note is payable solely from certain tax <br />increments derived from certain properties located in a tax increment financing district, if and as <br />received by the City. The Note Holder acknowledges that the City has made no representation or <br />covenant, express or implied, that the revenues pledged to pay the Note will be sufficient to pay, <br />D-8 <br />51939481SB EL18549 <br />
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