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Economic Development Authority Minutes Page 3 <br /> April 16,2018 <br /> • President Tveite clarified that the new plan would be a subsidy rather than a loan. He <br /> supported the idea of attracting different types of businesses and,as a side benefit, <br /> leasing space if it is available. <br /> Commissioner Ovall asked if the EDA would be putting on the classes mentioned in <br /> the staff report. Ms. Othoudt stated that these classes were tools available online <br /> through the Small Business Administration, the IRS, and others.Applicants can <br /> participate in these classes online and produce a certificate of completion to present <br /> to staff. Commissioner Westgaard asked if participants needed to take all of the <br /> classes and Commissioner Wagner asked if classes could be taken from any source. <br /> Ms. Othoudt confirmed. Commissioner Ovall wished that it was a set curriculum <br /> from one source. President Tveite would like to see some flexibility in the classes <br /> that are required since an accountant or legal professional would have little use for a <br /> basic bookkeeping class, for example. Ms. Othoudt agreed that there should be some <br /> flexibility. <br /> Commissioner Ovall commented that the currently written policy sounded like <br /> participants had to take all classes prior to opening but Ms. Othoudt had stated that <br /> certificates must be presented within 18 months. <br /> President Tveite suggested the commissioners read through the policy again,offer <br /> comments to staff by email,and bring it up again at the next EDA meeting. <br /> 111 Ms. Othoudt added that the cost of some of the classes may be offset byavailable <br /> grants. <br /> President Tveite recommended that a decision be reached before the next year <br /> budget is determined. Ms. Othoudt asked if it might be a topic to discuss at their <br /> retreat. <br /> 9. Adjournment <br /> There being no further business,President Tveite adjourned the meeting of the Elk <br /> River Economic Development Authority at 6:04 p.m. <br /> Minutes prepared by Katie Porath <br /> Dan Tveite,EDA resident <br /> 7 <br /> IIITina Allard, City Clerk <br /> IR / ERE . IT <br /> NATURE <br />