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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />City Council Minutes <br />June 21, 1982 <br />Page Three <br /> <br />Mayor Hinkle then opened the public hearing .to the public. Mr. Joe Flaherty in- <br />dic~ted that he felt the shopping center should not be cut down in size and further <br />indicated that he felt the bigger, the better. Mr. Flaherty indicated that a <br />larger shopping center would bring in more people, and if the community wanted <br />the town to grow, they should support a large shopping center. Mr~ Flaherty in- <br />dicated that there are the same number of businesses downtown as there were some <br />years ago, and yet the population has increased and that he recommended that the <br />City Council not hold down the development of the community. <br /> <br />Councilman Engstrom explained that the concern of the shopping center size was <br />important because too large of a shopping center could take away from the down- <br />town area. Councilman Engstrom indicated that the shopping center should be de- <br />veloped in phases as to compete with the downtown area, rather than cause the down- <br />town to die. <br /> <br />The City Administrator explained that the question of size of the shopping center <br />was important and the impact that the size may have on the downtown. The City Ad- <br />ministrator further explained that the outlying shopping center should compete <br />with the downtown area, rather than take away from the downtown. <br /> <br />Mr. Conrad Johnson of Johnson's Department Store, indicated that he did not oppose <br />the shopping center and further indicated that he felt the developer should make <br />the decision regarding the size of the shopping center and further indic~ted that <br />he did oppose the issuance of industrial revenue bonds to the developer. to subsi- <br />dize the rental fees for the commercial space in the shopping center. Mr. Johnson <br />indicated that he felt the City Council should make a decision th~t is best for <br />the City of Elk River and for all concerned. Mr. Johnson indicated that the <br />default of industrial revenue bonds can affect the rating of the City. Mr. John- <br />son further indicated that frequently building figures are inflated and rents can <br />be cut to major renters to get things going for the shopping center. Mr. Johnson <br />further indic~ted that who pays for fixtures, carpeting, and other leaseholder im- <br />provements, should also be a concern of the City Council with regard to the total <br />project. Mr. Johnson again expressed his opposition to the issuance of indus- <br />trial revenue bonds for the shopping center, and further indicated that he felt <br />the marketplace should decide the size of the shopping center. <br /> <br />Mr. Gary Santwire submitted a letter from Mr. Scott Anderson regarding Mr. Ander- <br />son's concern of the Barthel PUD and the impact it may have on the Barrington <br />Place PUD. Mr. Santwire also submitted a letter from Gar-San Enterprises, Inc., <br />regarding the conditional use standards and Barthel's PUD compliance with those <br />conditional use standards. <br /> <br />Mr. Dave Schowalter, planner and architect representative of the downtown area <br />people, indicated.that he reviewed the impact the shopping center would have upon <br />the downtown people. Mr. Schowalter explained that he had accomplished four <br />tasks regarding the development: #1, the plan methodology appeared to have no <br />problems, #2, the evaluation of the sourCes of information - Mr. Schowalter indi- <br />cated that there was a definite slowdown in growth and even with the revised pop- <br />ulation figures, the proposal submitted by the Barthel Planned Unit Development was <br />still very optimistic; #3, Evaluation from the outside on the impact of a 95,000 <br />