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Memo to Planning Commission/ZC 99-8 <br /> September 28, 1999 <br /> Page 2 <br /> • Comprehensive Plan, the ordinance, and that it would create no undesirable impacts on <br /> adjacent uses or zoning. <br /> Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan <br /> The underlying land use is currently Community Commercial. In other areas of the City <br /> with Highway Commercial zoning, the underlying land use is Highway Business. There <br /> is no distinction in the Comprehensive Plan the City's intent when establishing two <br /> commercial land use designations. The purpose of the Highway Commercial district is <br /> defined in Section 900.12.12 of the zoning code: <br /> STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: The purpose of the C-3 highway <br /> commercial district is to recognize the need for commercial <br /> establishments on or serving with immediate access to major <br /> highways . Permitted land uses should take advantage of the <br /> highway access in a manner which other business districts <br /> are not afforded. In addition to retail and commercial <br /> uses, quasi-industrial and wholesale enterprises that do not <br /> meet an industrial setting and have considerable customer <br /> contact are acceptable in the highway commercial district. <br /> The subject parcel has direct access to the highway from the newly constructed <br /> frontage road (Joplin Street). With the exception of the parcel at the northwest corner <br /> • of 197th Avenue and Highway 169 (Holt and Jackson), all parcels adjacent to Highways <br /> 10 and 169 are zoned either Highway Commercial or Planned Unit Development. <br /> If the intent of the Comprehensive Plan is to provide an opportunity to attract <br /> convenience retail stores and personal service establishments, then the zone change <br /> should be denied, although those uses are also permitted within the Highway <br /> Commercial district. It can be argued that Community Commercial and Highway <br /> Commercial can be consistent with more than one type of zoning designation. <br /> Consistency with the Ordinance <br /> For the purpose of this request, medical clinics are included within the definition of <br /> "governmental, business, and professional offices". Theses uses are permitted within <br /> the Highway Commercial District. The use is therefore consistent with the ordinance. <br /> The applicant has not submitted a site plan at this time; therefore compliance with the <br /> setback and dimensional requirements of the proposal will be evaluated at a later date. <br /> Undesirable Impacts <br /> The applicant proposes to construct a medical clinic on the site if the zone change is <br /> approved. The initial clinic will be 25,000 square feet with a possible expansion to <br /> • 50,000 square feet. Medical clinic hours typically are 7 or 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; with urgent <br /> care facilities open until 10 p.m. The primary adverse impact from the proposed use <br />