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Memo to Planning Commission <br /> May 17, 1999 <br /> Page 2 <br /> This proposal is different from the approved development plan. This proposed <br /> retail expansion was to be a freestanding building located on the north end of <br /> the center adjacent to the south side of Freeport. Even though the proposal is <br /> different from the approved development plan, attaching the retail space to <br /> the north end of the building should be an improvement, as storefronts will <br /> face Freeport instead of a blank wall. <br /> Access/Parking <br /> The applicant is proposing 18 parking spaces on the north side of the <br /> expansion, between the building and Freeport Street. Access to this parking <br /> area will be from the main entrance drive just south of the entrance from <br /> Freeport. This parking area will also provide access to the dumpster area <br /> which is located in the rear of the building. An additional 26 parking spaces <br /> are proposed at the north end of the main a parking lot between Midas and <br /> the front of this expansion. The landscaped island on the east end of the <br /> parking expansion should be shifted to the west so that it is aligned with the <br /> existing islands. <br /> Drainage, Grading and Utilities <br /> • The City Engineer will address grading, drainage and utility concerns in his <br /> memo. <br /> Building Elevations <br /> The proposed building elevations will be consistent with the current multi- <br /> tenant buildings in Elk Park Center. The exterior will consist of a brown <br /> brick and a green metal canopy. Access into the building will be from either <br /> the north side or the east side depending on how the space is leased. On the <br /> north elevation, a portion of the side is proposed to be concrete block. The <br /> proposed concrete block portion should be change to match the brick on the <br /> rest of the north side. The dumpster enclosure should be constructed to <br /> match the exterior of the building. <br /> Landscaping and Tree Preservation <br /> Most of the existing trees on the site will be preserved. The access to the <br /> dumpster and placement of the utilities are such that all but 2 of the existing <br /> trees will be preserved. The landscape plan shows a tree planted on the <br /> eastern parking island; a tree should also be planted on the island in front of <br /> the building. With the exception of the added landscaped island, the <br /> landscape plan is acceptable. <br /> \\ELKRIVER\SYS\SHRD O C\PLANNING\S COTT\CU99-22.D O C <br />