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Memo to Planning Commission <br /> Page 2 <br /> September 24, 1996 <br /> • telephone antennas. They are also proposing to construct a 12' by 24' building to <br /> shelter equipment. <br /> The area the applicant plans on leasing is located in the northeast corner of a <br /> 12.5 acre lot adjacent to the west side of the Burlington Northern Railroad <br /> tracks. The area to be leased is currently undeveloped and contains a stand of 8" <br /> to 12" diameter pines. The adjacent land uses include Riverview Sports and <br /> Marine and undeveloped land, both commercially zoned and residentially zoned. <br /> The site is flat and will require little grading. <br /> The site will be serviced by a 12 foot wide gravel drive with access from the <br /> Highway 10 service road. The gravel drive will be located within a 20 foot wide <br /> access easement over the adjacent properties to the west. <br /> In order to better manage the potential proliferation of antennas in the city <br /> cellular antennas should be capable of being used by other cellular providers. <br /> This pole has been designed so that it can accommodate additional antennas for <br /> use by other cellular companies <br /> Overview <br /> Rezoning <br /> • In order to construct the proposed antenna, a rezoning of the property is needed <br /> to Antenna Tower Overlay district (AT). This special overlay district was set up <br /> to manage the proliferation of antenna towers and to insure their proper <br /> placement regarding the health, safety and welfare of the community. This <br /> overlay district does not change the underlying Highway Commercial (C3) <br /> zoning, all the uses allowed and the dimensional regulations in the C3 zoning <br /> district will continue to be allowed on land zoned into the AT. <br /> In considering a rezoning request of this nature, consideration should be given to <br /> the existing conditions within the area directly and indirectly affected by the <br /> rezoning proposal as well as compatibility with surrounding land uses. The <br /> existing conditions of adjacent properties include undeveloped residential zoned <br /> and commercial zoned property and some older commercial buildings along the <br /> Highway 10 frontage road. The adjacent properties to the north, west and south <br /> is zoned either highway commercial or light industrial. To the west is the <br /> railroad tracks and undeveloped residential zone property. The rezoning of this <br /> lot to AT should not adversely affect the property under consideration or the <br /> adjacent properties and it would not be incompatible with the surrounding land <br /> uses. <br /> The applicant has also provided information identifying changes and advances <br /> • in the cellular telephone industry that make it necessary to construct an <br /> antenna at the proposed location. They have also provided coverage maps of the <br />