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Memo to Planning Commission Page 2 <br /> June 25, 1996 <br /> Dimensional Requirements <br /> • The proposed subdivision will create two lots, each meeting the minimum <br /> frontage requirement of 160 feet. As mentioned above, one of the two lots <br /> will satisfy the lot size standards while the westerly (Parcel A) lot will be .2 <br /> acres shy of the 2-1/2 acre minimum lot size. The existing home on Parcel A <br /> will meet all setback requirements based on the new lot lines. <br /> Analysis <br /> In reviewing the application, staff believes the following findings can be met <br /> to justify the variance request: <br /> 1. The intent of the R1a minimum lot size requirement of 2-1/2 acres is <br /> not diminished by granting the requested variance. <br /> 2. Literal application of the lot size requirements would deprive the <br /> applicant the opportunity for subdivision of the property. <br /> 3. If the additional 17 feet of right-of-way along Zebulon was not needed, <br /> the minimum lot size could be achieved. <br /> • 4. The variance of.2 acres is the minimum requested to meet the intent <br /> of the ordinance. <br /> 5. The variance will not adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of <br /> the community and will be in keeping with the City's past actions on <br /> similar requests. <br /> Recommendation <br /> It is recommended the Planning Commission recommend approval of the .2 <br /> acre variance request by Darren and Elizabeth Duffy based on the findings <br /> outlined in the staff report. <br /> • <br /> s:\planning\pc\v96-6.doc <br />