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<br />Page 2 <br /> <br />Elk River City Council Minutes <br />September 26. 1988 <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />COUNCILMEMBER TRALLE MOVED TO APPROVE THE HIRING OF MATT HABBEN AS A <br />FULL-TIME POLICE OFFICER WITH A ONE YEAR PROBATIONARY PERIOD AND RONALD <br />NIERENHAUSEN AS A TEMPORARY PART-TIME POLICE OFFICER. CONTINGENT UPON <br />THESE INDIVIDUALS PASSING THEIR MEDICAL EXAMINATION. COUNCILMEMBER <br />HOLMGREN SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED 5-0. <br /> <br />5. Consideration of Central Business District Beautification Reassessment <br />For Mr. Dale W. Johnson/Public Hearing <br /> <br />The City Administrator reviewed the assessment process and the <br />improvement project for the beautification of the Central Business <br />District. He noted that Mr. Dale W. Johnson appealed his assessment and <br />that following a pretrial discussion with the judge. it was determined <br />appropriate by the City Council to offer Mr. Johnson an assessment for <br />one unit or $2.950.00 instead of the previously levied two assessment <br />units or $5.900.00. The City Council approved making this offer in July. <br />1988. and Mr. Johnson excepted the offer in August. 1988. In order for <br />this decision to be finalized. the City must go through the reassessment <br />process and. accordingly. must hold a public hearing in order to receive <br />public input on this reassessment. Following the public hearing. the <br />City Council needs to adopt a resolution reassessing the properties. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />At this time. the Mayor opened the public hearing on this issue. Nobody <br />was present to speak for or against this issue. The Mayor closed the <br />public hearing. <br /> <br />COUNCILMEMBER HOLMGREN MOVED <br />ADOPTING FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL. <br />THE MOTION CARRIED 5-0. <br /> <br />TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 88-83. A RESOLUTION <br />COUNCILMEMBER DOBEL SECONDED THE MOTION. <br /> <br />6. Consideration of Softball Complex Lighting Bids <br /> <br />The City Administrator informed the Council that according to the <br />advertisement for bids for this project. the staff had received bids and <br />opened them at 11:00 a.m. on 9/26/88. The only firm submitting a bid and <br />the only firm submitting the required background information was Musco <br />Sports Lighting represented by Craig Gallopp of Sports Technology. Inc. <br />in Golden Valley. It appeared to Staff that the bid met the <br />specifications and that the bid amount was a fair and appropriate price <br />for the lighting system. Additionally. the references and work <br />experience for supervising the installation of the lighting system were <br />very positive. Staff recommended approval of the bid from Musco Sports <br />Lighting on a lease/purchase plan in the amount of $9.695.39 per year for <br />five years. <br /> <br />COUNCILMlMBER DOBEL MOVED TO APPROVE THE LEASE/PURCHASE LIGHTING SYSTEM <br />BID FROM MUSCO SPORTS LIGHTING IN THE AMOUNT OF $9.695.39 PER YEAR FOR <br />rIVE YEARS. COUNCILMEMBER HOLMGREN SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION <br />CARRIED 5-0. <br /> <br />e <br />