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<br />Page 12 <br /> <br />City Council Minutes <br />April 18. 1988 <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Councilmember Dobe1 returned to the Council Table. <br /> <br />7. Check Register <br /> <br />COUNCILMlMBER HOLMGREN MOVED TO APPROVE THE CHECK REGI STER. <br />COUNCILMlMBER DOBEL SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED 5-0. <br /> <br />8.1. Mark Palmer - Main Street Traffic Concern <br /> <br />Mark Palmer indicated he had a concern regarding the careless driving <br />taking place on Main Street in front of his house and also the lack of <br />response from the Elk River Police Department. He indicated his concern <br />regarding the fact that his children may be hit by one of the vehicles. <br />Mr. Palmer indicated he would like to see some action taken to reduce the <br />speed on Main Street. <br /> <br />8.2. Theatre Signs <br /> <br />The Building and Zoning Administrator indicated that he has received <br />complaints regarding the flashing. revolving lights on the theatre sign. <br />He indicated the sign is in violation of the City's sign ordinance. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />It was the consensus of the Council that the lights are excessive and <br />beyond what is needed to portray the advertisement and also that this <br />type of lighting is in direct violation of the Elk River Sign Ordinance. <br />therefore. the lights should be discontinued. <br /> <br />8.3. City Administrator Update <br /> <br />The City Administrator informed the Council that the Cable TV <br />Administrator is doing a video documentary on Main Street Elk River. <br /> <br />The City Administrator distributed a letter to the Council from MnDOT <br />relating to the Select Highway 101 Committee. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />The City Administrator informed the Council that Staff is requesting <br />Council to decide whether or not to authorize a feasibility study <br />regarding City services to the western part of the City. He indicated he <br />has requested the City Engineer to prepare an outline which would show <br />the estimated amount of hours required for the services and an estimated <br />dollar amount. The City Administrator indicated that the City Engineer <br />has submitted an estimate stating the number of hours to be 606 and the <br />total estimated dollar figure to be $28.000. He indicated that if the <br />project should go forward. all of the costs would be assessable and if <br />the project does not go forward. the City will be responsible for the <br />payment of the feasibility study. He further indicated that at the April <br />