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Planning C'�)nimission Page 3 <br />De.cember 19, 2017 <br />Corritnissioner Larson .."Vito stated the city doesn't have any control over traf."i"ic <br />clianges on TwIri I,akes 'RA <br />Mr. C'arlton stated Cleveland St. and Twin I,akes Rd. are both. county roads and <br />Sherburne County is actively, reviewing traffic irnprMrCtnents qn.d addirig traffic <br />control s*lrials atTwin Lakes Rd. and County.Road 12. He explained orie of the <br />results of the traffic study was that ("'Ieveland St. be paved to accom. troodate then <br />increase in development during the early 2000s. <br />C'hair johnson stated the commissim'i has alreadyapproved the development but the <br />request before theni this evening is modifying <br />1 �,, the number of buildable lots to 285. <br />(.1"'otntnissioner Rydberg asked if the city could make changes to Nlr, Spallier's r-oad in <br />an effort to control traffic before the road becomes a through street and becomes <br />even Nvorse by perhaps by usirig as round- about. <br />Mr. (11 1 arlton stated the road In question has always been a prop(,)sed connecting <br />through. -street and while roundabouts can reduce the severity ofaccidents, a <br />roundabout is typically placed at an intersection. He stated other traffic cahning <br />devices could be Used in this area as recot.nmended by the city engineer and. a traffic <br />study can also be conducted. <br />Corrityrissioner. Larson -Vito stated she agrees there's a problern here but ordeting <br />another traffic study be completed isn'tthe answer if the city engineer indicated on <br />the record that there wasn't anything wrong with the current traffic stud or city <br />Y f <br />roads arid the county can only inake requested improvements on county roads. <br />ChairJohnson considered adding a recornmendation that a traffic study during <br />school session be completed, noting that wouldn't be a conditioti that should be <br />added f6t d-teapplicant to comply with. <br />(,"orm.nissioner Larson -Vito stated she would also like to recommend a traffic study <br />'be done. <br />('ounciltnerriber. Wagict 1 County C <br />gner explained her contact with Distr orrimissionee <br />Barbara Burandt and her awareness to the ttaffic problems that exist onTwin Lakes <br />Road. She stated she is personally aware of these concerns as she is a resident of the <br />J.'rott Brook neighborhood. She stated if the city could make the changes to this area, <br />they would, and the city is very rnuch in the county's car requesting traffic control <br />changes, She recogniZes the traffic will increase with the Additl(,,)Tl of this <br />development and will terriain challenging until needed chan�ges are made. <br />(],ommissioner Konietzko stated lie was not in Favor of approving the developtnent <br />as proposed, <br />Moved 1 Commissioner Larson -Vito and seconded by Commissioner <br />Nicholas to approve the zone change for PID 75-136-1.200 frorn R-Ic/d to <br />