Article VIII. - Peddlers, Solicitors, And Transient Merchants, and Mobile Food Units
<br /> Division 1. - Generally
<br /> Sec. 38-381. - Definitions.
<br /> The following words, terms and phrases,when used in this article, shall have the meanings
<br /> ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
<br /> Mobile Food Unit means a self-contained food service operation,located in a readily movable
<br /> motorized wheeled or towed vehicle that is readily movable without disassembling and that is used
<br /> to store,prepare, display, or serve food intended for individual portion service; or (2) a mobile food
<br /> unit as defined in Minnesota Statutes Section 157.15, subdivision 9.
<br /> Nonprofit means an organization that currently has tax-exempt status from either the state or
<br /> federal government and provides written evidence of that status.
<br /> Occupant means a person owning,living, staying, or working at a residence,including a guest.
<br /> Peddler means any person with no fixed place of business dealing in the city who travels around
<br /> from place to place, or street to street, carrying or transporting goods, or soliciting for all manner of
<br /> wares, services and merchandise, offering such wares, service or merchandise for sale or making
<br /> sales and delivering articles to purchasers.
<br /> Solicitor means any person who goes from place to place and/or house to house soliciting or
<br /> taking or attempting to take orders for the purchase of any food,wares or merchandise,including
<br /> magazines,books,periodicals or personal property of any nature whatsoever for delivery in the
<br /> future, or orders for the performance of a service in or about the home or place of business, such as
<br /> furnace cleaning, roof repair or blacktopping.
<br /> Transient merchant means any person,whether as principal, employee or agent,who engages in,
<br /> does, or transacts any temporary or transient business in the city, either in one locality or traveling
<br /> from place to place in the city, selling goods,wares,and merchandise, and who, for the purposes of
<br /> carrying on such business, hires,leases, occupies or uses a building, structure,vehicle, property, or
<br /> other place for the exhibition and sale of such goods,wares, and merchandise.
<br /> Sec. 38-382. - Purpose of article.
<br /> The purpose of this article is to protect citizens by imposing reasonable regulations on peddlers,
<br /> solicitors,aftd transient merchants, and mobile food units who by the very nature of their operation
<br /> may intrude upon the rights and privacy of other citizens and have a deleterious effect upon the
<br /> public health, safety, and welfare. so as to prevent indi-v4duals who may be engaged in unlaw
<br /> merchants.ffom posing as legitimate peddlers, solicitors, and "ansient The intent of this
<br /> Chapter is to establish a uniform set of rules and regulations that are fair and equitable, and to
<br /> develop a system for accommodating those businesses that will enhance the overall appearance and
<br /> environment along public streets,pedestrian walkway, and other public properties.
<br /> Sec. 38-383. - Exemptions.
<br /> All persons engaged in the business activities described in this section shall comply with the
<br /> provisions of section 38-414(c). The following business activities shall be exempt from the
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