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ERMU Commission Policy—G.4j.1 Rates and Charges for Electric Service <br /> those customers located within the corporate limits of the City of Elk River and those who are <br /> not. <br /> 2. Prepare for Commission approval and,upon approval, implement a current schedule of fees and <br /> charges for related services that are not part of any published rate tariff. <br /> 3. Provide information and consultation that allows customers and customer agents to identify and <br /> apply for the rate tariff and type of service that result in the most favorable cost and conditions <br /> of service for the customer. <br /> 4. Make available to customers and their agents, at least annually, a current copy of the rate tariffs <br /> that are in effect. <br /> POLICY HISTORY: <br /> Adopted Month, Day, Year <br /> Page 2 of 2 <br /> R7 <br />