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<br />Elk River City Council Meeting <br />December 8, 1993 <br /> <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Personal Services represents over 80% of the Administration/Finance <br />budget. The increase in the Personal Services category includes the <br />hiring of an Administrative Assistant at mid year, not allocating staff <br />time to the Garbage Enterprise Fund, some classification changes for <br />clerical staff, wage increases, insurance and pension expenses, and the <br />addition of the receptionist's time being charged to this fund. <br /> <br />Economic Development This budget is proposed in the amount of <br />$38,900. This is a $14,950 or 27.8% decrease compared to the adopted <br />1993 budget. This budget represents approximately 1.15% of the total <br />General Fund expenditures. This budget has decreased each of the last <br />three years and will probably continue to do so in the future until all <br />of the Economic Development General Fund expenses are in the EDA <br />Special Levy budget. <br /> <br />Elections This budget is proposed in the amount of $12,700. This <br />is a $5,700 or 81.4% increase compared to the adopted 1993 budget. <br />This budget represents approximately .4% of the total General Fund <br />expenditures. <br /> <br />Legal - This budget is proposed in the amount of $35,000. This is a <br />$2,000 or 6% increase over the adopted 1993 budget. This budget <br />represents approximately 1% of the total General Fund expenditures. <br />This budget increase is due to additional time being required from the <br />City Attorney on special City projects. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Engineering - This budget is proposed in the amount of $28,000, and <br />is identical to the adopted 1993 budget. This budget represents less <br />than 1% of the total General Fund expenditures. <br /> <br />Building and Zoning This budget is proposed in the amount of <br />$198,800. This is a $51,000 or 20.4% decrease compared to the adopted <br />1993 budget. This budget represents approximately 5.9% of the total <br />General Fund expenditures. The decrease in this budget is due to the <br />change that has taken place in the department with Planning personnel <br />and functions being separated out into a new City department and budget. <br /> <br />Planning This budget is proposed in the amount of $109,700. This <br />is a $107,700 increase compared to the adopted 1993 budget. This <br />budget represents approximately 3.2% of the total General Fund <br />expenditures. In past years, this budget provided only expenses for <br />planning consulting services. In 1994, the planning function was <br />separated out from the Building and Zoning department and is now a <br />separate budget. <br /> <br />Planning Commission This budget is proposed in the amount of <br />$4,950. This is a $1,100 or 28.6% increase compared to the adopted <br />1993 budget. This budget is less than 1/2% of the total General Fund <br />expenditures. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Data processing - This budget is proposed in the <br />This is a $5,550 or 32.6% increase compared <br />budget. This budget represents less than 1% of the <br />expenditures. The most significant change in <br /> <br />amount of $22,550. <br />to the adopted 1993 <br />total General Fund <br />this budget is the <br />