<br />
<br /> 2 Minnesota Revenue, Local Sales and Use Taxes
<br />Report local taxes when you electronically file your
<br />Minnesota sales and use tax. The figures are reported
<br />separately from state taxes.
<br />
<br />Who is required to collect local tax
<br />All retailers who are registered to collect Minnesota
<br />sales tax and are doing business in an area with a local
<br />tax must be register to collect that local tax. This in-
<br />cludes any sellers from outside the locality who:
<br /> have an office, distribution, sales, sample, or
<br />warehouse location, or other place of business
<br />in the local area either directly or by a subsidi-
<br />ary
<br /> have a representative, agent, salesperson, can-
<br />vasser, or solicitor in the local area, on either a
<br />permanent or temporary basis, who operates
<br />under the authority of the retailer or its subsid-
<br />iary for any purpose, such as repairing, selling,
<br />installing, or soliciting orders for the retailer’s
<br />goods or services, or leasing tangible personal
<br />property in the local area
<br /> ship or deliver tangible personal property in
<br />your own vehicle to the local area
<br /> perform taxable services in the local area
<br />Local tax applies to sales made or services performed
<br />within city limits or county boundaries only. ZIP
<br />Codes help to determine the taxing area, but don’t al-
<br />ways correspond exactly with city or county limits, so
<br />part of a ZIP Code may be outside the city or county.
<br />(See the “ZIP Codes” section on page 4.)
<br />
<br />Local use tax
<br />Local use tax applies when you buy items or services
<br />for use, storage, distribution, or consumption in the lo-
<br />cal area without paying local sales tax to the seller. Use
<br />tax is similar to sales tax and the rates are identical. It
<br />is based on your cost of taxable purchases. Common
<br />examples of when use tax is due:
<br /> You buy items outside the local area and the
<br />seller doesn’t charge local sales tax, and you
<br />use or store the item in the local area.
<br /> You buy a taxable item from an out-of-state
<br />seller who does not charge local sales tax.
<br />For more information, see Fact Sheets 146, Use Tax for
<br />Businesses, and 156, Use Tax for Individuals.
<br />
<br />Credit for local tax paid. If you pay local sales tax in
<br />Minnesota to one locality but use the items in another
<br />area that imposes local sales and use tax, you are al-
<br />lowed credit for the local sales tax already paid.
<br />
<br />Ways to register
<br />You may register for local taxes when filing your Sales
<br />and Use Tax return in e-Services.
<br />1. Select the dropdown arrow next to the blank row
<br />on the return.
<br />2. Select the local tax that you need to add.
<br />3. Enter the dollar amount for this local tax.
<br />
<br />If you file by phone, you must register for local tax be-
<br />fore you file your return. Call 651-282-5225 or 1-800-
<br />657-3605 (toll-free).
<br />You can email us at salesuse.tax@state.mn.us to regis-
<br />ter. If you send us an email, include your Minnesota
<br />Tax ID number.
<br />When to charge local tax
<br />As a general rule, charge local sales tax on all sales
<br />made in a local taxing area that are subject to Minne-
<br />sota state sales tax.
<br /> Charge local sales tax to customers from out-
<br />side the city or county who pick up items in
<br />the local area for business or personal use,
<br />even if the items are taken out of the local
<br />area.
<br /> Charge local sales tax to customers from out-
<br />side the local area if you perform taxable ser-
<br />vices in the local area. For example, charge lo-
<br />cal tax if you perform a car wash or deliver
<br />dry cleaned items in an area with a local tax.
<br />
<br />Exemptions
<br />Do not charge local sales tax on sales of taxable items
<br />when:
<br /> your customer gives you a completed Form
<br />ST3, Certificate of Exemption
<br /> you ship or deliver the items to your customer
<br />outside the local area
<br /> you sell direct-to-home satellite (DBS) ser-
<br />vices (not cable). These services are subject to
<br />state sales tax, but not local sales tax. This is a
<br />federal preemption from the Telecommunica-
<br />tions Act of 1996.
<br />
<br />Federal government agencies are exempt from state
<br />and local sales and use taxes.
<br />
<br />Minnesota state agencies have Direct Pay authoriza-
<br />tion when buying tangible items, which means that
<br />they do not pay sales tax to the seller—they pay use tax
<br />directly to the state.
<br />
<br />Local governments including cities, towns, counties,
<br />instrumentalities, political subdivisions, commissions,
<br />special districts, and governmental boards are not re-
<br />quired to pay general local sales taxes. No exemption
<br />certificate is necessary. Cities, counties, and towns do
<br />not pay the state sales tax on most purchases.
<br />For more information, see Fact Sheet 142, Sales to
<br />Governments.