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5.3 2018 Budget: Schedule; Travel and Training; Dues, Subscriptions, and Fees <br /> Ms. Slominski gave an overview of the budgeting process schedule and presented the Travel <br /> and Training budget which reflected a 10.8% increase over the prior year. She explained that <br /> this is a result of adding two additional Commissioners, additional training for the Engineer <br /> position, and training for an additional Lineworker and Locator added in 2017. The <br /> Commission had a few questions. Staff responded. For the American Public Power <br /> Association (APPA) Legislative Round-up line item, Commissioner Thompson recommended <br /> that once the new Commissioners have the opportunity to attend,that we only budget for one <br /> staff member to attend. After discussion the Commission recommended budgeting for one <br /> new Commissioner to attend the event with Mr. Adams in 2018 and the other new <br /> Commissioner attend with Mr. Adams in 2019. <br /> The Dues, Subscriptions, and Fees budget had a 4.8% increase, reflecting various known and <br /> projected increases for 2018. Ms. Slominski presented the proposed budget and pointed out the <br /> new expenses and the other line items that we were paying for that had previously not made it <br /> onto this itemized list. Chair Dietz noted that the increase in the budget was largely due to the <br /> SCADA OSI fee going from $7,000 to $24,000. Staff provided some background information <br /> and further explanation for the increase to this line item. <br /> 3.0 OPEN FORUM <br /> As there was someone now present for Open Forum, Chair Dietz requested they come forward <br /> and state their name and address for the record. Mr.Nathe introduced himself and stated his <br /> address was 15260 Cleveland Street. He shared that he was a new customer that had been <br /> recently transferred over from Connexus Energy. He informed the Commission that his power <br /> had been shut off today because he had refused to pay the garbage portion of the utility bill. He <br /> explained that he has used ACE Solid Waste for the past 27 years for his abutting commercial <br /> property and sees no reason why he should have to pay a second refuse company,Randy's <br /> Sanitation, for disposal of his residential trash. There was discussion on the city's garbage <br /> ordinance and the date it went into effect. Attorney Beck pointed out that the ordinance <br /> provides for organized collection for residential properties only. There was further discussion. <br /> Chair Dietz stated that the garbage issue should really be addressed through the city, as the <br /> utilities are only responsible for billing and collection for the service. Mr.Nathe stated that the <br /> utilities are the ones that are holding him hostage for not paying his garbage bill. Attorney <br /> Beck clarified that Mr.Nathe was delinquent on his utility bill because all the services are <br /> billed as one. <br /> Based on the city's garbage ordinance going into effect back in the 90's, Commissioner <br /> Westgaard questioned why this has just come to light. Mr.Nathe said it was due to the transfer <br /> in utilities services from Connexus Energy to Elk River Municipal Utilities. Chair Dietz <br /> explained that once the utilities began billing for the electric service it was discovered that Mr. <br /> Nathe had not been participating in the cities organized garbage collection, and had been using <br /> Page 4 <br /> Regular Meeting of the Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br /> August 8,2017 <br /> 36 <br />