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GLOSSARY <br /> Agricultural/Irrigation Water Use-Water used for crop and non-crop irrigation, livestock watering, <br /> chemigation,golf course irrigation, landscape and athletic field irrigation. <br /> Average Daily Demand -The total water pumped during the year divided by 365 days. <br /> Calcareous Fen-Calcareous fens are rare and distinctive wetlands dependent on a constant supply of <br /> cold groundwater. Because they are dependent on groundwater and are one of the rarest natural <br /> communities in the United States,they are a protected resource in MN. Approximately 200 have been <br /> located in Minnesota.They may not be filled, drained or otherwise degraded. <br /> Commercial/Institutional Water Use-Water used by motels, hotels, restaurants, office buildings, <br /> commercial facilities and institutions (both civilian and military). Consider maintaining separate <br /> institutional water use records for emergency planning and allocation purposes. Water used by multi- <br /> family dwellings, apartment buildings, senior housing complexes, and mobile home parks should be <br /> reported as Residential Water Use. <br /> Commercial/Institutional/Industrial (C/I/I)Water Sold -The sum of water delivered for <br /> commercial/institutional or industrial purposes. <br /> Conservation Rate Structure-A rate structure that encourages conservation and may include increasing <br /> block rates, seasonal rates,time of use rates, individualized goal rates, or excess use rates. If a <br /> conservation rate is applied to multifamily dwellings,the rate structure must consider each residential <br /> unit as an individual user. A community may have a separate conservation rate that only goes into <br /> effect when the community or governor declares a drought emergency. These higher rates can help to <br /> protect the city budgets during times of significantly less water usage. <br /> Date of Maximum Daily Demand-The date of the maximum (highest)water demand. Typically this is a <br /> day in July or August. <br /> Declining Rate Structure-Under a declining block rate structure, a consumer pays less per additional <br /> unit of water as usage increases.This rate structure does not promote water conservation. <br /> Distribution System -Water distribution systems consist of an interconnected series of pipes,valves, <br /> storage facilities(water tanks,water towers, reservoirs), water purification facilities, pumping stations, <br /> flushing hydrants, and components that convey drinking water and meeting fire protection needs for <br /> cities, homes, schools, hospitals, businesses, industries and other facilities. <br /> Flat Rate Structure- Flat fee rates do not vary by customer characteristics or water usage.This rate <br /> structure does not promote water conservation. <br /> Industrial Water Use-Water used for thermonuclear power(electric utility generation)and other <br /> industrial use such as steel, chemical and allied products, paper and allied products, mining, and <br /> petroleum refining. <br /> 45 <br /> 85 <br />